Quick note to let you know that we'll not have the Remembrance gathering this evening. Look for it during Epiphany!
We hope to see those of you who are in town on Christmas Eve for our Gathering of Light at sundown (4:16 PM).
Pastor Jeremy
North Street @ Your Street 2009
Here is your worship package for this morning. I apologize for the delay...I miscalculated the time for video upload (and even now, it will take a bit longer for one or two of the videos to "process", but you can begin anyway!).
Take a few minutes to intentionally go through the following. Pray the prayers, sit back and listen to the video clips. If you're with someone, do it together! If you're alone, read the prayer and sermon out loud; you may hear it differently than if you read it silently.
Know that I have prayed for you, and that others are doing this this morning along with you.
Peace of Christ to you.
(If you are reading this in your e-mail, click here to go to North St. News site to be able to view the videos.)
If you would like to worship live with a congregation online in addition to this, I really appreciate the ministry of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas. You can worship "with" them at 11:45 EST by clicking here.
Take a few minutes to intentionally go through the following. Pray the prayers, sit back and listen to the video clips. If you're with someone, do it together! If you're alone, read the prayer and sermon out loud; you may hear it differently than if you read it silently.
Know that I have prayed for you, and that others are doing this this morning along with you.
Peace of Christ to you.
(If you are reading this in your e-mail, click here to go to North St. News site to be able to view the videos.)
Collect (Prayer)
Purify our conscience, Almighty God, by your daily visitation, that your Son Jesus Christ, at his coming, may find in us a mansion prepared for himself; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Reflection through Music
This is something I recorded a few weeks ago. I've long enjoyed playing Advent & Christmas music on the piano, and this is one of my favorites. As I said last week, I take it as the weekly theme song of Advent. It's a bit different in style, but as you listen, think about what it means to sing and pray, "Come, God and be with us ('Emmanuel')."
Scripture Reading - Psalm 80
Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel,
you who lead Joseph like a flock!
You who are enthroned upon the cherubim, shine forth
before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh.
Stir up your might,
and come to save us!
Restore us, O God;
let your face shine, that we may be saved.
O Lord God of hosts,
how long will you be angry with your people’s prayers?
You have fed them with the bread of tears,
and given them tears to drink in full measure.
You make us the scorn of our neighbours;
our enemies laugh among themselves.
Restore us, O God of hosts;
let your face shine, that we may be saved.
Scripture Viewing - Luke 1:39-55
This is the passage known as "Mary's Song," or often, the Magnificat. It is Mary's song of praise after she's visited with her cousin, Elizabeth, and they both share in the joy of the children within them, knowing of the Lord's hand at work. The words in the video are set to Vivaldi's Gloria in excelsis Deo, which means "Glory to God in the Highest!"
Video - Lighting of the Advent Wreath & a Word on "Waiting for Peace"
Closing Song - An Invitation to Christmas Eve Gathering of Light
If you're in town on Christmas Eve, I really hope to see you at sundown (4:16 PM) for our annual Gathering of Light. This song is your invitation:
If you would like to worship live with a congregation online in addition to this, I really appreciate the ministry of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas. You can worship "with" them at 11:45 EST by clicking here.
Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 20, 2009
Can you believe it? We had a major snowstorm on this Sunday last year too: I remember lighting the Advent Wreath in an empty sanctuary.
Regardless, it indeed appears that a lot of snow is coming in the overnight and early morning. We'll say the same thing we said last year: While I will be at the church building at 10:30 for anyone who will show up for prayer and scripture reading, you are encouraged not to travel if it makes you uncomfortable or if it appears to be dangerous.
However, you can still worship! Look in your e-mail boxes early in the morning for a "worship package" with which you can worship together right in front of your computer.
In the meantime, have fun shoveling, and use this nature-given sabbath well.
(We'll send out an e-mail later as to The Remembrance in the evening.)
Peace in Christ this Fourth Sunday of Advent,
Pastor Jeremy
Regardless, it indeed appears that a lot of snow is coming in the overnight and early morning. We'll say the same thing we said last year: While I will be at the church building at 10:30 for anyone who will show up for prayer and scripture reading, you are encouraged not to travel if it makes you uncomfortable or if it appears to be dangerous.
However, you can still worship! Look in your e-mail boxes early in the morning for a "worship package" with which you can worship together right in front of your computer.
In the meantime, have fun shoveling, and use this nature-given sabbath well.
(We'll send out an e-mail later as to The Remembrance in the evening.)
Peace in Christ this Fourth Sunday of Advent,
Pastor Jeremy
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I mispoke on Sunday morning about what's happening this evening. Sorry! We will not have our regularly scheduled Wednesday Evening activities as the annual Hingham Community Thanksgiving Service is at 7:00 PM. Everyone is invited to come and be thankful together. The service is at the Old Ship Church at 107 Main Street, Hingham.
Did you know that that crazy word we use to refer to communion ("Eucharist") actually means "to give thanks"? Remember that when Jesus first celebrated at the Table with the disciples on that Holy Thursday, it says that it was only "after he had given thanks" that he shared the cup and the bread.
We sure have a lot to be thankful for this week, don't we? But our greatest gift is God himself, in Christ. While we'll celebrate this gift "officially" in exactly one month from today, we can for sure be thankful each and every day for Christ.
May he be with you as you give thanks this week.
Did you know that that crazy word we use to refer to communion ("Eucharist") actually means "to give thanks"? Remember that when Jesus first celebrated at the Table with the disciples on that Holy Thursday, it says that it was only "after he had given thanks" that he shared the cup and the bread.
We sure have a lot to be thankful for this week, don't we? But our greatest gift is God himself, in Christ. While we'll celebrate this gift "officially" in exactly one month from today, we can for sure be thankful each and every day for Christ.
May he be with you as you give thanks this week.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First off, don't forget our Wednesday activities tonight: community dinner at 6:00 and Bible study at 7:00. Tonight we'll look at the Colossian hymn as we head for Christ the King Sunday.
Speaking of Christ the King Sunday (November 22), this is the last Sunday of the church year! That means that the Sunday after (November 29th) brings the beginning of Advent. Can you believe it?!
This will be a special Sunday for a number of reasons:
- In the morning (10:30 AM), we will celebrate Christ as King together with a gathering around His table. Come prepared for a bit of a different gathering of worship than we're used to on Sunday morning, as the team from The Remembrance will be leading us. We will also be handing out our next Community Scripture Way, as the readings begin on Monday for the first week of Advent.
- In the evening (6:00 PM), we will have a "Hymn-Sing." Come prepared to sing and don't forget to think about what hymn you'd like to "request." We haven't done this in a while; should be fun. Pastor Jeremy will also be bringing a little bit of history of hymnology.
- After the hymn-sing, we'll eat some ice cream together and then "Hang the Greens" in our church building (AKA decorating for Advent). We need some volunteers to bring a tub of ice cream and everyone else to bring one topping (e-mail Pastor Jeremy to volunteer to bring the ice cream).
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
See you soon!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
We have Community Dinner (6:00 PM) and Bible Study (7:00 PM). Everyone is invited to come tonight for a special reason: John Walsh has been worshiping with us for the last several months (he brings his adorable little daughter with him, and usually sits with Toni Kulak). He is packing up for Iraq on Saturday to drive trucks and will be coming tonight to have us pray for him. Even if Wednesday nights are not a regular thing for you, perhaps you'd be able to come tonight to pray with John?
American Idols Series Wrap-Up
Well the series on American Idols is complete. I want to take just one more week to wrap-up some loose ends. Many people have asked some questions or given some insight, and I want to respond in part to these. I'd also like to invite any and all to send me more questions you might have about any of the topics (to refresh your memory, you can click on the link above to see them all or even listen to them again). Please e-mail me with questions. - Pastor Jeremy
Faith Promise 2009
We had a good Faith Promise Weekend. As you pray about Faith Promise giving this coming year, you can place the response cards in the joy boxes around the sanctuary. We also promised to send you information about how you can stay aware about what the Church of the Nazarene is doing throughout the world. For general news, you can subscribe to a weekly e-mail through NCN News. For more specific prayer needs, visit the prayer site for Nazarene Missions International. There is a "prayer mobilization" line that you can subscribe to there as well.
The Remembrance Over Pizza
Join us for The Remembrance at 6:00 Sunday night this week as we'll gather in the Newell Gathering Room this week (no music!). We'll eucharistically share in pizza together (so bring what you can to contribute to pay for the pizza and drinks) and share in fellowship, games, or whatever else people want to do.
Men's Breakfast "For All" and Work Day
The Facilities Committee has planned a work day for Saturday, October 24th. But we surely can't work without a full breakfast, so the men will be preparing and serving breakfast for everyone. We'll eat at 8:30 AM and work together around 9:15 AM or so. There are plenty of needs, so the more hands, the better!
Halloween Hot Apple Cider and Game Night
Halloween falls on a Saturday evening this year (October 31st). We will be handing out hot apple cider to those who are walking past the church building that evening. And while we're at it, we're making it a game night. We'll begin handing out the cider around 6:00 (I can't find official Hingham trick-or-treating hours, if anyone knows them, feel free to clue me in). Come and join us!
Year B Community Scripture Way - A Guide To Prayer for All People
Believe it or not, the end of the liturgical church year is quickly coming! Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the year, is November 22. So that means our Community Scripture Way is also coming to an end for the year. This next year, we will be using a bit of a different format for the CSW. A Guide To Prayer for All People is a great little book with scripture readings (that follow the lectionary), prayers, and short readings for reflection. It is very adaptable and will allow for us to choose individually each day how much time is put into prayer and reading. The book usually costs $16, but with more of us buying it, we can get them for $13. Those who can are encouraged to give a little bit more to help pay for those who can't. Couples and families are welcome to share a book (or not!). If you would like one, please e-mail stating so. We will hand out the books on November 22.
This year. November 1st, All Saints' Day falls on a Sunday. We will have pre-lit candles in the sanctuary recognizing those who've impacted us in Christ. If you would like to have a candle lit for someone specific, send an e-mail with his/her name and date of death. If you are able to help cover the expense, $3 per candle would help (but please don't let this amount be a hindrance from sending in names for remembrance!). Remembering the faithfulness and lives of those who've gone before us is a great way to be challenged today in the continued revealing of God's Kingdom.
As always, use the online calendar to keep up with our gatherings.
We have Community Dinner (6:00 PM) and Bible Study (7:00 PM). Everyone is invited to come tonight for a special reason: John Walsh has been worshiping with us for the last several months (he brings his adorable little daughter with him, and usually sits with Toni Kulak). He is packing up for Iraq on Saturday to drive trucks and will be coming tonight to have us pray for him. Even if Wednesday nights are not a regular thing for you, perhaps you'd be able to come tonight to pray with John?
American Idols Series Wrap-Up
Well the series on American Idols is complete. I want to take just one more week to wrap-up some loose ends. Many people have asked some questions or given some insight, and I want to respond in part to these. I'd also like to invite any and all to send me more questions you might have about any of the topics (to refresh your memory, you can click on the link above to see them all or even listen to them again). Please e-mail me with questions. - Pastor Jeremy
Faith Promise 2009
We had a good Faith Promise Weekend. As you pray about Faith Promise giving this coming year, you can place the response cards in the joy boxes around the sanctuary. We also promised to send you information about how you can stay aware about what the Church of the Nazarene is doing throughout the world. For general news, you can subscribe to a weekly e-mail through NCN News. For more specific prayer needs, visit the prayer site for Nazarene Missions International. There is a "prayer mobilization" line that you can subscribe to there as well.
The Remembrance Over Pizza

Men's Breakfast "For All" and Work Day
The Facilities Committee has planned a work day for Saturday, October 24th. But we surely can't work without a full breakfast, so the men will be preparing and serving breakfast for everyone. We'll eat at 8:30 AM and work together around 9:15 AM or so. There are plenty of needs, so the more hands, the better!
Halloween Hot Apple Cider and Game Night
Halloween falls on a Saturday evening this year (October 31st). We will be handing out hot apple cider to those who are walking past the church building that evening. And while we're at it, we're making it a game night. We'll begin handing out the cider around 6:00 (I can't find official Hingham trick-or-treating hours, if anyone knows them, feel free to clue me in). Come and join us!

Believe it or not, the end of the liturgical church year is quickly coming! Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the year, is November 22. So that means our Community Scripture Way is also coming to an end for the year. This next year, we will be using a bit of a different format for the CSW. A Guide To Prayer for All People is a great little book with scripture readings (that follow the lectionary), prayers, and short readings for reflection. It is very adaptable and will allow for us to choose individually each day how much time is put into prayer and reading. The book usually costs $16, but with more of us buying it, we can get them for $13. Those who can are encouraged to give a little bit more to help pay for those who can't. Couples and families are welcome to share a book (or not!). If you would like one, please e-mail stating so. We will hand out the books on November 22.

As always, use the online calendar to keep up with our gatherings.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 - FAITH PROMISE EDITION!
Greetings in Christ!
Our Faith Promise Weekend is in two days! For more information about Faith Promise, click here. Our speaker is Cisca Ireland-Verwoerd, who lived in Taiwan for five years. We're looking forward to hearing from her. Jason Parker and a friend of his will be making authentic Chinese food for us. You won't want to miss it! Everyone is invited to bring desserts and drinks to share. We'll gather at 6:00 and eat around 6:30. And then on Sunday morning, Cisca will speak to us again in our morning gathering to worship.
Remember to continue praying for David Restrick and his work in Mozambique. He continues to update us through his online weblog that you can see here.
In addition, Jonathan Ardrey continues to teach at Africa Nazarene University. You can read his updates and experiences at his blog here.
Speaking of overseas, our prayer continues for EJ & Keri Lewis' and Sara Miller's brother Greg who is deployed in Iraq. This Saturday (October 10th) there will be a car wash fundraiser at Eastern Nazarene College (23 E. Elm Ave, Quincy, MA) to send personal supplies and needs to Greg and his comrades. Here are some details from Keri:
We continue to gather each Sunday evening for The Remembrance at 6:00. We've been focused lately around the them of reconciliation, re-membering the Church (the Body of Christ), and healing. Here is our video from last week:
(If you're reading this in e-mail and can't see the video, click here.)
Lastly, the calendar gives us a unique occurrence this year. November 1st, All Saints' Day falls on a Sunday. Last year, we recognized the day by lighting candles for those who've gone before us just prior to receiving communion together. We'll have candles again this year, but will take a bit more of an intentional and personal approach. If you would like to have a candle lit for someone specific who has died in Christ, e-mail me with his/her name and date of death. If you would like to help cover the expense, $3 per candle would help (but please don't let this amount be a hindrance from sending in names for remembrance!). Remembering the faithfulness and lives of those who've gone before us is a great way to be challenged today in the continued revealing of God's Kingdom.
As always, use the online calendar to keep up with our gatherings.
Our Faith Promise Weekend is in two days! For more information about Faith Promise, click here. Our speaker is Cisca Ireland-Verwoerd, who lived in Taiwan for five years. We're looking forward to hearing from her. Jason Parker and a friend of his will be making authentic Chinese food for us. You won't want to miss it! Everyone is invited to bring desserts and drinks to share. We'll gather at 6:00 and eat around 6:30. And then on Sunday morning, Cisca will speak to us again in our morning gathering to worship.
Remember to continue praying for David Restrick and his work in Mozambique. He continues to update us through his online weblog that you can see here.
In addition, Jonathan Ardrey continues to teach at Africa Nazarene University. You can read his updates and experiences at his blog here.
Speaking of overseas, our prayer continues for EJ & Keri Lewis' and Sara Miller's brother Greg who is deployed in Iraq. This Saturday (October 10th) there will be a car wash fundraiser at Eastern Nazarene College (23 E. Elm Ave, Quincy, MA) to send personal supplies and needs to Greg and his comrades. Here are some details from Keri:
-------------------------------------------------------Car Wash for Our Troops
Saturday, October 10th
9:00am- 2:00pm
The money raised will go toward buying supplies and shipping overseas to my brother and his Army Infrantry platoon. They are now deployed in northern Iraq. We are also taking donations at the car wash or I will be happy to accept them at church. Some useful items are:
AA batteries
Baby wipes
Black Sharpie Markers
Books (new or used)
Chapsticks or lipbalms
CDs and DVDs (new or used)
Duct Tape
Hand sanitizer
Magazines (current and used)
Munchies (no chocolate)
Powered drink mixes in packets
Writing pads & envelopes
Ziploc baggies
We continue to gather each Sunday evening for The Remembrance at 6:00. We've been focused lately around the them of reconciliation, re-membering the Church (the Body of Christ), and healing. Here is our video from last week:
(If you're reading this in e-mail and can't see the video, click here.)

As always, use the online calendar to keep up with our gatherings.
Friday, September 25, 2009

The recordings from our American Idols series are finally up to date. Sorry for the delay. This week we'll look at the family. While the American "family unit" (two parents, 2.5 kids, and a dog/cat...or so) can be an expression of the Body of Christ, it is not the expression of the Body of Christ. We'll look together from story, tradition, and scripture at how the Body of Christ supersedes the American family unit.
In addition, as a wonderful expression of the Body of Christ, we will gather in community to dedicate Benny Ambler.
And of course, after we worship together, we'll have our annual Lobster Fest over at the Newells'. Click here for all the details and a few other needs (we need drinks!).
Peace in Christ...and see you Sunday!
In addition, as a wonderful expression of the Body of Christ, we will gather in community to dedicate Benny Ambler.
And of course, after we worship together, we'll have our annual Lobster Fest over at the Newells'. Click here for all the details and a few other needs (we need drinks!).
Peace in Christ...and see you Sunday!
Lobster Fest 2009!!!
For all information, details, and needs about Lobster Fest 2009 this coming Sunday, click here.
Special Wednesday Community Dinner
Just a quick note to remind you about tonight's Wednesday evening Community Dinner tonight. I'll be cooking up burgers and hot dogs on the grill. Everyone is invited to bring rolls, chips, salads, desserts, etc. to compliment the burgers and dogs. We'll eat at 6:00 PM and study John 17 after. Hopefully we'll see you tonight!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
We hope that your week is been a blast so far! School is beginning, college students are back on campus, the weather is cool, and the Patriots are less than two weeks from their first game. Conclusion: Summer is pretty much over. But that doesn't mean there aren't reasons to be excited!
With September comes a number of changes on Sunday mornings for us this year:
Partition Update
We're almost able to purchase the new partition! We need a total of $1965 and we're at $1800. Almost there...
This week's American Idol
We'll be looking this week at "legislative morality." Those are two big words, I know! "Legislative" is basically a word that means "law-making." And morality is of course discussion about what is right concerning living life. It's certain that the Church, by the Holy Spirit, acts as prophet to the world in all things, including living morally. And while having expectations that the society in which we live could begin to live up to these morals, the church in the United States often takes it to an unhealthy level. Basically: We seem to imply that legislating morality is what's most important, when really, what we believe is that it's God, in Christ, who makes true change in human beings. This is what we'll explore this week.
(For all past topics and recordings, visit the main site.)
he Remembrance
We will continue to worship around the Table of Christ on Sunday evenings for The Remembrance (that's a new website, check it out). Come and rest at 6:00 PM and we'll worship at 6:14 PM.
Offering & Giving Report
August 30th Offering - $495.00
Year-to-date Offering - $28,711.66
August 30th Faith Promise - $30.00
Year-to-date Faith Promise - $2,630.00
As always, use the online calendar to keep up with our gatherings.

- Time - We are pushing everything a half an hour earlier. So we'll study together at 9:30 AM for Sunday School and worship together at 10:30 AM.
- Children's Sunday School - The children are splitting into two groups for Sunday School, one for older and one for younger. For now (until the new partition arrives), the older children will meet in the Newell Gathering Room and the younger children will meet in the kitchen.
- Adult Sunday School - The adults will move up to the sanctuary for Sunday School. (Remember, at 9:30 now!)

We're almost able to purchase the new partition! We need a total of $1965 and we're at $1800. Almost there...
This week's American Idol
We'll be looking this week at "legislative morality." Those are two big words, I know! "Legislative" is basically a word that means "law-making." And morality is of course discussion about what is right concerning living life. It's certain that the Church, by the Holy Spirit, acts as prophet to the world in all things, including living morally. And while having expectations that the society in which we live could begin to live up to these morals, the church in the United States often takes it to an unhealthy level. Basically: We seem to imply that legislating morality is what's most important, when really, what we believe is that it's God, in Christ, who makes true change in human beings. This is what we'll explore this week.
(For all past topics and recordings, visit the main site.)

We will continue to worship around the Table of Christ on Sunday evenings for The Remembrance (that's a new website, check it out). Come and rest at 6:00 PM and we'll worship at 6:14 PM.
Offering & Giving Report
August 30th Offering - $495.00
Year-to-date Offering - $28,711.66
August 30th Faith Promise - $30.00
Year-to-date Faith Promise - $2,630.00
As always, use the online calendar to keep up with our gatherings.
American Idols: Security
The recording for this past Sunday's American Idol: Security is now posted. For those of you that are listening on the web alone and aren't able to or haven't been in our worship gathering with us each week, you should know that after the sermon we take some time to respond to it, question it, and offer other perspective/thoughts about the given topic. A couple of great and difficult points were brought up this week, and I said that I'd respond more in depth during the week. Please understand and read these questions only in the light of the sermon (read: "listen to the sermon first!").
What about the Kings and Nation of Israel in the Old Testament? Doesn't this show in scripture a balance between the pacifist Christ-King and a people of God who fight for God?
It's notable that in the very first place, when the people of God (Israel) told God that they would like a king to rule over them, God basically said, "Um...no you don't. A king will take your sons and make them work for his armies and take your daughters and make them work for him as well. And a king will tax you and take your best things from you." But the people persisted and said, "No, we are determined to have a king like the other nations." And so God said, "Okay, have yourself a king." And the rest is history...
God even goes as far as to say (to Samuel), "When the people ask for the leadership of a king, they are rejecting my kingship."
You can read it all in I Samuel 8.
The other story that I alluded to was when King David "counted" his armies (II Samuel 24 or I Chronicles 21). The two accounts differ on how it happened, but the main point to David was this: don't count your armies and/or people.
The power of God is always to be the power of God's people. Or, again, the people of God are at their best when they rely on nothing but the strength and power of their cruciform God. As one person noted on Sunday (in context Zechariah...not Gideon), "'Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord of hosts."
In light of that verse from Zechariah, I can't help but think again of the theme for yesterday: the people of God are at their best when they rely on nothing but the strength and power of a cruciform God. When has the Church been at her best? Look at Pentecost, for one. What was the power of that day? The very Spirit spoken of in Zechariah (and not might or power).
So does God leave us powerless?
Absolutely not! That's the whole point! God gives us great power! But it doesn't look like power as we tend to know it. His strength and power to drive out fear and evil is love (I Peter 4:16-21). And Paul gives us some great words about what our defense ("security" we might even say) does look like in places like Ephesians 6 (the armor of God). But take note that Paul says that we have this armor to "stand against," to be able to "withstand," and to "stand firm." He doesn't speak at all of "going and getting people." Yeah, yeah, I know...Paul talks about having the "sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." First off, any fencer will tell you that a sword is as much of a tool of defense as it is of offense. Second, there's that "Spirit" again, which we already know is not of "might nor power." Third, the "word of God" is our defense, so wonderfully demonstrated to us by Christ during his time of temptation in the wilderness/desert (Luke 4:1-13 and Matthew 4:1-11). Thrice Christ uses the "word of God" to defend himself against the "wiles of the devil," just as Paul mentions at the beginning of this passage.
I can't help but think of some of the great martyrs of our history: people who decided that fighting wasn't the way of the Kingdom and ultimately lost their life on this earth (for now) as they knew it. Martin Luther King, Jr. is perhaps my favorite. This short speech gets me every time (he spoke those words the very day before he was killed...haunting words). He also said, "Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time; the need for mankind to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."
But perhaps best known to us is the account of the first martyred follower of Christ, Stephen, in Acts 7:54-60, where again, we find this "Spirit" of the Lord. It says that Stephen, full of that Spirit, laid down his life. So we see that the people of God, when filled with the Spirit of God, don't fight back...but remember that there is more than living (and dying!). It doesn't make any earthly sense. :-)
This has turned into a much longer post than I meant, but I can't help it...I continue to hold to the notion that God has more for his people than we see in the way we generally respond to the evils of the world.
Again, the question for us in all of this is, do we trust God? Or are we trusting other things in the place of God (the very definition of "idol")...?
Pastor Jeremy
What about the Kings and Nation of Israel in the Old Testament? Doesn't this show in scripture a balance between the pacifist Christ-King and a people of God who fight for God?
It's notable that in the very first place, when the people of God (Israel) told God that they would like a king to rule over them, God basically said, "Um...no you don't. A king will take your sons and make them work for his armies and take your daughters and make them work for him as well. And a king will tax you and take your best things from you." But the people persisted and said, "No, we are determined to have a king like the other nations." And so God said, "Okay, have yourself a king." And the rest is history...
God even goes as far as to say (to Samuel), "When the people ask for the leadership of a king, they are rejecting my kingship."
You can read it all in I Samuel 8.
The other story that I alluded to was when King David "counted" his armies (II Samuel 24 or I Chronicles 21). The two accounts differ on how it happened, but the main point to David was this: don't count your armies and/or people.
The power of God is always to be the power of God's people. Or, again, the people of God are at their best when they rely on nothing but the strength and power of their cruciform God. As one person noted on Sunday (in context Zechariah...not Gideon), "'Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord of hosts."
In light of that verse from Zechariah, I can't help but think again of the theme for yesterday: the people of God are at their best when they rely on nothing but the strength and power of a cruciform God. When has the Church been at her best? Look at Pentecost, for one. What was the power of that day? The very Spirit spoken of in Zechariah (and not might or power).
So does God leave us powerless?
Absolutely not! That's the whole point! God gives us great power! But it doesn't look like power as we tend to know it. His strength and power to drive out fear and evil is love (I Peter 4:16-21). And Paul gives us some great words about what our defense ("security" we might even say) does look like in places like Ephesians 6 (the armor of God). But take note that Paul says that we have this armor to "stand against," to be able to "withstand," and to "stand firm." He doesn't speak at all of "going and getting people." Yeah, yeah, I know...Paul talks about having the "sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." First off, any fencer will tell you that a sword is as much of a tool of defense as it is of offense. Second, there's that "Spirit" again, which we already know is not of "might nor power." Third, the "word of God" is our defense, so wonderfully demonstrated to us by Christ during his time of temptation in the wilderness/desert (Luke 4:1-13 and Matthew 4:1-11). Thrice Christ uses the "word of God" to defend himself against the "wiles of the devil," just as Paul mentions at the beginning of this passage.
I can't help but think of some of the great martyrs of our history: people who decided that fighting wasn't the way of the Kingdom and ultimately lost their life on this earth (for now) as they knew it. Martin Luther King, Jr. is perhaps my favorite. This short speech gets me every time (he spoke those words the very day before he was killed...haunting words). He also said, "Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time; the need for mankind to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."
But perhaps best known to us is the account of the first martyred follower of Christ, Stephen, in Acts 7:54-60, where again, we find this "Spirit" of the Lord. It says that Stephen, full of that Spirit, laid down his life. So we see that the people of God, when filled with the Spirit of God, don't fight back...but remember that there is more than living (and dying!). It doesn't make any earthly sense. :-)
This has turned into a much longer post than I meant, but I can't help it...I continue to hold to the notion that God has more for his people than we see in the way we generally respond to the evils of the world.
Again, the question for us in all of this is, do we trust God? Or are we trusting other things in the place of God (the very definition of "idol")...?
Pastor Jeremy
Friday, August 28, 2009
Hello, North Street Community!
Well, summer activities are winding down and we're headed for September, the time when summer schedules cease, college students return, and cooler weather prevails! Join us this Sunday as we continue in the series on American Idols. We'll be looking at "Security" this week. And then plan to come to the table at the Remembrance at 6:00 in the evening.
New Worship Time!
The Church Board decided this month to move our Sunday morning gathering of worship a half-hour earlier. So, beginning in September, we will worship at 10:30 AM, with Sunday School at 9:30 AM. Don't forget!
Community Notes:
Offering & Giving Report
For multiple reasons (disclosure, accountability, awareness, etc.), the Church Board has decided to make more readily available the basic finances of the church community each week. As always, a financial report is given at each monthly board meeting, and the complete spending and budget is presented each year at the Annual Meeting in the spring, but the board feels that a weekly awareness is also important, especially in the difficult financial times.
August 23rd Offering - $467.00
Year-to-date Offering - $28,316.66
August 23rd Faith Promise - $60.00
Year-to-date Faith Promise - $2,600.00
In addition, you'll remember that we're hoping to purchase a partition for the Newell Gathering Room that will provide space for the new children's Sunday School class. We'll need almost $2000 to make the purchase and we're currently at $1525.00. We're almost there!
As always, use the online calendar to keep up with our gatherings.
Well, summer activities are winding down and we're headed for September, the time when summer schedules cease, college students return, and cooler weather prevails! Join us this Sunday as we continue in the series on American Idols. We'll be looking at "Security" this week. And then plan to come to the table at the Remembrance at 6:00 in the evening.

The Church Board decided this month to move our Sunday morning gathering of worship a half-hour earlier. So, beginning in September, we will worship at 10:30 AM, with Sunday School at 9:30 AM. Don't forget!
Community Notes:
- Meghan and I want to thank you for the BedandBreakfast.com gift card you gave us last October that we were finally able to use this week. We had a great time at a nice B&B on the Cape in Brewster. It was refreshing and relaxing!
- David Restrick reports that he has a case of tendinitis. Here's his latest report: "Hi Everyone. this is super short because i can only type with my left hand. my mom has diagnosed mw with tendonitis in my right fore arm making it impossible to type with my right hand. I will keep you appraised of my condition. I would appreciate your prayers. God Bless, David"
- Charlie DiSante has had a bit of a bout with high blood pressure in the last week or so. She reports that things are better, but is taking it easy the next couple of days.
Offering & Giving Report
For multiple reasons (disclosure, accountability, awareness, etc.), the Church Board has decided to make more readily available the basic finances of the church community each week. As always, a financial report is given at each monthly board meeting, and the complete spending and budget is presented each year at the Annual Meeting in the spring, but the board feels that a weekly awareness is also important, especially in the difficult financial times.
August 23rd Offering - $467.00
Year-to-date Offering - $28,316.66
August 23rd Faith Promise - $60.00
Year-to-date Faith Promise - $2,600.00
In addition, you'll remember that we're hoping to purchase a partition for the Newell Gathering Room that will provide space for the new children's Sunday School class. We'll need almost $2000 to make the purchase and we're currently at $1525.00. We're almost there!
As always, use the online calendar to keep up with our gatherings.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Greetings in Christ! There are all sorts of exciting things to consider these days. Read on!
The recording from this past Sunday's installment of the American Idols series ("Stuff") is finally online. Sorry for the delay. You can listen to it here or any of the previous weeks by clicking on the topics here. If you would like to watch the video from Sunday night's The Remembrance gathering, visit www.storyofstuff.com.
This coming week, we will be looking at the idol of "celebrity." Sure, we all would likely admit that our country has an infatuation with those in the spotlight. But don't we realize that we are the ones that make that spotlight brighter? Come and hear about how this affects our relationship with God and each other, and even how it affects how we look at ourselves.
Also this coming Sunday, we will return to the Hingham Beach/Park for our monthly gathering to fellowship. Plans are a bit different this time: just bring good food (as you always do) that we can share, that is pick-nicky in nature. We gather on the side of the beach near the rest rooms. Ed DiSante checked with Hingham Town Clerk and grills are not allowed, so bring it ready to eat!
The summer is quickly moving towards September and this means a whole bunch of things, but in particular this year, it means some new directions for our Sunday School. Here's a note from our fearless leader:
We are pleased to announce that as our children grow in size and number, we will be starting another Sunday School class! Our new year will start in September, and we need your help! We need an assistant for our older childrens Sunday School class and substitutes for both our older and younger children's classes, who could fill in when our regular teachers are away. Please contact Dawn Haskell, (617) 910-7212 or sunshine_3773@hotmail.com, if you are interested in helping in any way! Thanks, Dawn
Creating room for this new class is a challenge, as you know, recognizing our limited space in the church building. Our Ministries Committee recommended to the Church Board that we purchase a partition for the Newell Gathering Room. This has been in discussion for months and the timing seemed right to move with the purchase. The board agreed, but noting the economic difficulties of the times that have not left even our church community alone, decided that the partition will not be purchased until the money is fully raised specially, outside our regular budgetary concerns. The partition will cost almost $2000, but as of this evening, $900 has already been given for this purpose by some in our church community. Would you prayerfully consider this opportunity as well as we seek to provide clean, safe, and well-organized space for the spiritual formation of our children? We look forward to other possible uses of the partition as well!
We'll gather for The Remembrance again this coming Sunday evening. Come at 6:00 to prepare for worship and we'll begin at 6:14. By popular demand, we've begun compiling songs that we often sing during these gatherings as a YouTube playlist. Click here and select "Play All" to listen to them.
As always, use our online calendar to know what's going on and when.
See you soon!

This coming week, we will be looking at the idol of "celebrity." Sure, we all would likely admit that our country has an infatuation with those in the spotlight. But don't we realize that we are the ones that make that spotlight brighter? Come and hear about how this affects our relationship with God and each other, and even how it affects how we look at ourselves.
Also this coming Sunday, we will return to the Hingham Beach/Park for our monthly gathering to fellowship. Plans are a bit different this time: just bring good food (as you always do) that we can share, that is pick-nicky in nature. We gather on the side of the beach near the rest rooms. Ed DiSante checked with Hingham Town Clerk and grills are not allowed, so bring it ready to eat!
The summer is quickly moving towards September and this means a whole bunch of things, but in particular this year, it means some new directions for our Sunday School. Here's a note from our fearless leader:
We are pleased to announce that as our children grow in size and number, we will be starting another Sunday School class! Our new year will start in September, and we need your help! We need an assistant for our older childrens Sunday School class and substitutes for both our older and younger children's classes, who could fill in when our regular teachers are away. Please contact Dawn Haskell, (617) 910-7212 or sunshine_3773@hotmail.com, if you are interested in helping in any way! Thanks, Dawn

We'll gather for The Remembrance again this coming Sunday evening. Come at 6:00 to prepare for worship and we'll begin at 6:14. By popular demand, we've begun compiling songs that we often sing during these gatherings as a YouTube playlist. Click here and select "Play All" to listen to them.
As always, use our online calendar to know what's going on and when.
See you soon!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Happy Wednesday!
We're almost halfway through this week. Have you listened yet (or again) to Sunday's sermon? Click here for all the recordings from the American Idols series. A quick note for today: You may find that not every topic is a difficult one for you (i.e.: you may not struggle with "busyness" or living in the moment), but be assured that many others do. So if you listen to any one topic and are left wondering, "What is he talking about?!", don't feel badly. In fact...feel just the opposite! We need your voice and experience to help the rest of us with that given topic.
This week's topic is American Idols: Stuff. Scripture is pretty clear about not storing up treasures on earth as it becomes a distraction from whom we are meant to be as God's people, and we'll look at that a bit. But there are other consequences on a global scale. While we'll consider this Sunday morning, I also invite everyone to Sunday evening's gathering of The Remembrance where we'll watch a video about the "stuff" we use before we gather at the table. Here's a video teaser (if you're viewing this in an e-mail, you'll likely have to click on our North St. News site to see the video):
In other news, we wrapped up our softball season last night with a great win! I was reminded again about what a great team we have - we have a blast whether winning or losing. Thanks to Jason, Herb, Nate, and Ryan who helped organize us this summer. (I can't believe it's over!)
Sarah Troxler is moving into her new apartment next Tuesday, 8/11. We want to have a good group to help her. We'll begin at 12:30 and have pizza after we've finished. She says she doesn't have much (she just graduated from college, remember!), so it shouldn't take us too long, but with a good group, we'll get things done easier and more quickly. E-mail me for the address in Quincy near Quincy Medical Center.
In community notes:
In Christ,
P.S. Are you on Twitter? Let me know so I can add you. My name is "JeremyDScott"
We're almost halfway through this week. Have you listened yet (or again) to Sunday's sermon? Click here for all the recordings from the American Idols series. A quick note for today: You may find that not every topic is a difficult one for you (i.e.: you may not struggle with "busyness" or living in the moment), but be assured that many others do. So if you listen to any one topic and are left wondering, "What is he talking about?!", don't feel badly. In fact...feel just the opposite! We need your voice and experience to help the rest of us with that given topic.
This week's topic is American Idols: Stuff. Scripture is pretty clear about not storing up treasures on earth as it becomes a distraction from whom we are meant to be as God's people, and we'll look at that a bit. But there are other consequences on a global scale. While we'll consider this Sunday morning, I also invite everyone to Sunday evening's gathering of The Remembrance where we'll watch a video about the "stuff" we use before we gather at the table. Here's a video teaser (if you're viewing this in an e-mail, you'll likely have to click on our North St. News site to see the video):
In other news, we wrapped up our softball season last night with a great win! I was reminded again about what a great team we have - we have a blast whether winning or losing. Thanks to Jason, Herb, Nate, and Ryan who helped organize us this summer. (I can't believe it's over!)
Sarah Troxler is moving into her new apartment next Tuesday, 8/11. We want to have a good group to help her. We'll begin at 12:30 and have pizza after we've finished. She says she doesn't have much (she just graduated from college, remember!), so it shouldn't take us too long, but with a good group, we'll get things done easier and more quickly. E-mail me for the address in Quincy near Quincy Medical Center.
In community notes:
- Paul Goodwin reports that his father is doing well and is in good spirits.
- Betty Jean Goodwin had minor knee surgery on Monday and is doing well resting at home.
- Today is our good friends' Andrew & Becky Rankin's 3rd wedding anniversary.
- Dorothy Newell is trekking across Canada and the US with her son, Kerry. Here's a note she wanted you all to read: "Hi to all, Kerry and I made it safely across the Yukon Territory, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchuan, ending up in US just after Winnepeg. The country is beautiful and the animals interesting when they're not in the road. Had some close calls, good misses like the wind and hail at the last place we had lunch and fire that destroyed a camper we'd passed not so long before. We have sung every song we ever knew, from "Climb, Climb up Sunshine Mountain" to "You are Awesome in this Place, Mighty God!" We're now in Pennsylvania, distributing supplies that the paddlers used on the river. And leaving the car with it's owneers. Rena is to bring the car from Heuvelton on Friday to get Kerry and the canoe back home. Looks like I will get the weekend I've hoped for since grandpa died in March with grandson Kelcy in DC. He will also be coming up Friday to rescue me and arrange for my homegoing. Thank you all for your prayers, as knowing the problems we've missed makes it all so sure there's stuff we know nothing about." Love mom, g'ma, sis, auntie, cousin, friend (Dorothy)
- Jeremy & Meghan Scott's pregnancy continues to go well. Meghan had an appointment this morning, and all looks good. (We're still at a loss for a name...suggestions are welcome!)
- Jeremy will be going to the Leadership Summit tomorrow and Friday by the generous support of the Nashua Community Chapel CotN.
In Christ,
P.S. Are you on Twitter? Let me know so I can add you. My name is "JeremyDScott"
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tonight we'll gather for dinner at 6:00 and to study John 13:1-20 at 7:00.
In community notes...
Are you caught up in listening to the American Idols series yet? This coming Sunday we'll be looking at the idol of "Success." For all the recordings and a central source on the series, click here.
I look forward to seeing you tonight,
In Christ,
In community notes...
- Paul Goodwin's father had a heart attack on Monday and has been taken off preventative medical aids at his request. Pray for Paul and the whole Goodwin family.
- Christina Duncan's aunt, is near death as well with brain and lung cancer which has moved into her spine. Pray for Christina and her whole family, including some difficult decisions that the family will have to work through together.
- Dana & Elise Parker's wedding anniversary was yesterday (7/28), Matthew Goodwin's birthday is tomorrow (7/30), and Ryan Ardrey's birthday is Friday (7/31). Thank God for milestones!
Are you caught up in listening to the American Idols series yet? This coming Sunday we'll be looking at the idol of "Success." For all the recordings and a central source on the series, click here.
I look forward to seeing you tonight,
In Christ,
American Idols: The Moment & Instantaneity

Many of us had a wonderful time at our picnic at the Hingham Beach in the afternoon. Thanks to everyone for such a great time!
And we heard about forgiveness, letting go, and "binding & loosing" last night at The Remembrance while looking at the whole of Matthew 18. Click here to see the video again that we watched.
As we begin this week, continue to consider how you can separate yourself from the infatuation of our society with speed, and instead "be still and know" to "wait upon the Lord."
In Christ,
American Idols: Busyness
Just a note to you all to let you know that the recording from Sunday is up:
July 19, 2009 - American Idols: Busyness
There are also CDs available at the church building. If you weren't able to worship with us this week, give it a listen!
In Christ,
July 19, 2009 - American Idols: Busyness
There are also CDs available at the church building. If you weren't able to worship with us this week, give it a listen!
In Christ,
William Edwin Fish
As most of you already know, Dick Fish's father passed away on Thursday. Here is a wonderful obituary. Memorial services are Wednesday, July 22, with calling hours at 10:00 AM and funeral at 12:00 noon at the Manchester Church of the Nazarene, 236 Main Street, Manchester, CT.
22232425Martha said to Jesus, ‘Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask of him.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Your brother will rise again.’ Martha said to him, ‘I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.’ Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?’26
22232425Martha said to Jesus, ‘Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask of him.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Your brother will rise again.’ Martha said to him, ‘I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.’ Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?’26
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We'll continue in our Bible Study on the gospel of John tonight at 7:00 PM, with community dinner just before that at 6:00 PM. We'll begin chapter 12 of John tonight.
David Restrick took off this morning for London where he'll be for several days before ending up in Africa. And Ryan Ardrey is going away to visit with his grandfather in Texas early tomorrow morning. Jason & Heidi Parker are still resting in upstate New York at the Brooktondale Campground. Are you headed anywhere soon? Let me know!
Also, don't forget our softball game on Friday night.
In Christ,
American Idols: Introduction
Good Monday to you.
We had a full and wonderful day of worship and fellowship yesterday. In the morning, we began our series: American Idols. In that message, I encouraged and asked everyone to listen again to the sermon later each week. I will try to have the message posted by Monday evening (it's already posted today). You can listen to the message by clicking here, subscribing to our podcast listing on iTunes, or in a reader by clicking below.
Subscribe in a reader
Online mediums are difficult...and I struggle with how to say this any more clearly or passionately than I can through a keyboard and a screen: but I ask that everyone who's a part of our community take the time to really interact with this series. Come to listen and participate each Sunday and then prayerfully listen throughout the week, both to the Spirit of God and again to the message.
I'm praying for us,
In Christ,

Online mediums are difficult...and I struggle with how to say this any more clearly or passionately than I can through a keyboard and a screen: but I ask that everyone who's a part of our community take the time to really interact with this series. Come to listen and participate each Sunday and then prayerfully listen throughout the week, both to the Spirit of God and again to the message.
I'm praying for us,
In Christ,
North Street Currents: July 10, 2009
Well I believe that everyone from our community who headed down to Orlando, FL for the Church of the Nazarene's General Assembly is back. I shared some highlights and a summary of what transpired in Orlando this past Sunday, including pictures of our own Jessica & Rebecca Vandervort participating in the Children's Choir and Bible Quizzing. If you're interested, you can see more summaries, results, etc. than you really want at an unofficial website, www.gacorlando.com. For those of you who weren't able to be in Hingham on Sunday, we concluded that General Assembly is/was great (and good things happened!), but 99% of the work of the Kingdom happens in what we do locally. With that...
I want to invite you to come worship this Sunday as we begin a new series, American Idols. This series of sermons has been percolating for a couple of years now and it is not without much prayer, thought, and advice of mentors that I preach it. No, it's not about those singers on the Fox reality television show (though we will spend a week on the idol of "celebrity"!). Rather, we will be looking each week at various things within our American society that capture our attention to the detriment of Christ and his Kingdom.
In addition, we have re-commenced our weekly Sunday evening gathering around the communion table, The Remembrance. Come at 6:00 PM to sit and prepare for worship and we begin together at 6:14.
And lastly, after The Remembrance, we'll have a get together in the Newell Gathering Room to send off Karen & Chinier Bennett and David Restrick. All three would love to continue as a part of the North Street Community (and of course, in a big way, they will!), but the Bennetts are moving with family to North Carolina and as you know, David will be serving for a while in Africa. You're encouraged to bring some kind of light snack (chips, crackers, etc.) to share during this time of "good-bye." All three of them leave town on Wednesday.
As always, use the online calendar to keep up on what's going on.
See you tomorrow!

And lastly, after The Remembrance, we'll have a get together in the Newell Gathering Room to send off Karen & Chinier Bennett and David Restrick. All three would love to continue as a part of the North Street Community (and of course, in a big way, they will!), but the Bennetts are moving with family to North Carolina and as you know, David will be serving for a while in Africa. You're encouraged to bring some kind of light snack (chips, crackers, etc.) to share during this time of "good-bye." All three of them leave town on Wednesday.
As always, use the online calendar to keep up on what's going on.
See you tomorrow!
Potluck Changes!!!
Hello again!
Since we're all so flexible, we're going to change the plans for this month's Gathering to Fellowship Potluck. A number of people thought that it would be appropriate to have it this Sunday (6/14) with the other special things going on (David Restrick & the Austins). And the menu's changed too. Just make it a regular 'ole potluck, bring main dishes, side dishes, and drinks. Ice cream and toppings will still be provided.
See you Sunday (if not at the softball game tomorrow night).
Since we're all so flexible, we're going to change the plans for this month's Gathering to Fellowship Potluck. A number of people thought that it would be appropriate to have it this Sunday (6/14) with the other special things going on (David Restrick & the Austins). And the menu's changed too. Just make it a regular 'ole potluck, bring main dishes, side dishes, and drinks. Ice cream and toppings will still be provided.
See you Sunday (if not at the softball game tomorrow night).
North Street Currents: June 10, 2009
Hello North Street Community!

I've had a song called Some of Us in my head all week, and since I think it follows appropriately our sermon on "unity because of diversity" on Sunday, I thought I'd share it with you. You can listen to it by clicking here.

I'm excited about this coming Sunday because we will be hearing from David Restrick as he shares with us what he will be doing when he goes to Africa in a couple of months. Churches our size don't usually get to send our "own" missionaries, but we're viewing Dave's teaching in Africa as such a situation. Our church board has committed to $3000 to help with his expenses. This Sunday you'll have a chance to contribute to this commitment. Come and hear what Dave will be doing! (You can go to Dave's Mission Corps website here to read just a bit to whet your appetite.)

Also exciting this Sunday is the fact that Jon & Angela Austin will be with us to lead us in worship. Jon is fresh off of releasing his first studio recording CD entitled No Time But Now. You can visit Jon's website here.
You probably remember we prayed heavily for the Austins when they were serving in Africa. Many of Jon's songs were inspired during and because of their time there in Kenya. He will share with us how God worked through and in them there, particularly in his music.
You will want to be here Sunday!
Our co-ed softball team (in partnership with Bethel CotN) is having a blast. Our next game is tomorrow, Thursday, 6/11 at 6:30 PM at Humphrey Field.
On Saturday, June 20th, we are having a yard sale to benefit Friends of the Homeless of the South Shore. Here are the details:
Yard Sale at SSFH,
June 20th, 8 am - 2 pm
Come and bring your unwanted treasures for a yard sale at the Norwell shelter ("Rehobeth")! These are some of the guidelines that are suggested to follow:
- a portion (you decide how much you want to donate, but at least 10%) will be given to the shelter
- you will be responsible to set up your own table and attend it through the day
- also, you will need to take care of anything that's left, the shelter cannot take care of the left overs
- have your items marked (easier that way)
- have about $20 in change
- bring sunscreen
Please email or call me if you are planning on being part of this exciting event so I'll know how many tables to get and for any questions you may have.
Rev. Betty Jean Goodwin, 781-630-1965
The new church board has met a couple of times now and wants to let you know about the meeting times for the board and committees, all of which are are the Monday evenings of the month:
1st Monday - Finance & Administration Committee
2nd Monday - Church Board
3rd Monday - Ministries Committee
4th Monday - Facilities Committee
All meetings are open and you are welcome to join in!
Our Gathering to Fellowship-Potluck Sunday is coming up on June 21st. Here's a note from Carol Newell & Betty Jean Goodwin:
"Father's Day Indoor Picnic!" June 21 following the morning worship. There will be sign up sheets available in the Fellowship Hall by Sunday morning. The food will be hamburgers and hot dogs (all beef) and all the trimmings, varied cold salads, baked beans, chips, ice tea and lemonade. Dessert: Make your own sundaes! Fathers go first in line...
The burgers & dogs will be provided, but money is welcome to help with the expenses.
The burgers & dogs will be provided, but money is welcome to help with the expenses.
Beginning in July: New Sermon Series
American Idols: The Idols Among Us
As I've been prayerfully thinking these last several months, I've been specifically asking, "What is keeping North Street from living up to the "community" aspect of her name?" As you know, this has been my goal for North Street - daily community in Christ. In the last couple of weeks, the question has broadened just a bit to include, "What is keeping us from holistically following Christ in these times?" I feel like the Spirit has guided me in responding to these questions, but I'd like your input as well. Often, we think of statues or false gods when we hear the words "idols" or "idolatry," but idols exist for us today in many forms. Simply put, idols are the things that keep us from seeing God and the things of the Kingdom of God. So if you have a few moments, would you prayerfully consider these two questions and shoot me an e-mail in response? I want to hear from you. While some things are obvious (busyness, materialism, etc.), really challenge yourself as you ask this question...what are things in your life that are keeping you from hearing God?
Beginning in July, I'll be preaching this series for a couple of months. I'd appreciate your prayer.
In Christ,
Pastor Jeremy
North Street Currents: May 27, 2009

Today's reading from the community scripture way is the powerful image from Ezekiel 37, a passage that resonates with Pentecost as the giving of God's living spirit to his people. If you haven't read it yet, go ahead and click the link above to do so.
Tonight's regularly scheduled Wednesday evening gatherings are slightly modified. We'll still eat together at 6:00 for community dinner, but tonight we'll gather in the home of Dana & Elise Parker at 12 Sewall Street in Quincy (click here for a map). Bring food enough for yourself. Elise will provide water to drink and dinnerware. An then just before 7:00, in lieu of regular Bible study, everyone's invited to walk on over to the Wollaston Church of the Nazarene for the opening worship service for the New England District NMI Convention.
Here's the District Convention & Assembly worship schedule for the rest of the week. You're all invited! (All services are at the Wollaston Church of the Nazarene):
Wednesday, May 27 - NMI Service (7:00 PM)
Thursday, May 28 - Assembly Opening Service (7:00 PM)
Friday, May 29 - Assembly Baptism Service (7:00 PM)
Saturday, May 20 - Memorial Service (9:30 AM) & Ordination Service (10:00 AM)
Of particular note to us is the Memorial Service on Saturday as we'll be able to stand and recognize Pastor Scott's life and service to Christ and his Church.
We have no softball game this week. Our next game is Friday, June 5th.
This is the last Saturday of the month, so the men are eating together for Men's Breakfast Fellowship. We're shifting time and place a bit this month due to District Assembly. We'll meet at 7:30 at the Panera Bread in North Quincy (click here for a map).
Community Notes:
- Bobbi Colletti is in the hospital (Beth Israel) to help deal with her pain.
- Saturday is Elise Parker's birthday and Sunday is Jeremy & Meghan Scott's anniversary.
Click here for our online calendar.
North Street Currents, May 15, 2009

This Sunday, May 17, we'll continue together in I John, looking at 5:1-6: How incredible is God's love for us, and we know this because the Spirit resonates truth within our lives. Let's look forward to being together on Sunday morning.
And as it's the third week of the month, we will celebrate in fellowship together with our monthy potluck. Plan on staying after worship to eat together.
Our next co-ed softball game is next Tuesday, May 19th. You can find all of the games and all other North Street events and gatherings on our online calendar.
Community Notes:
Ed & Charlie DiSante are spending the weekend with Ed's brother, Rolly, who continues to battle through kidney cancer. Bobby Colletti continues to be in great pain and unable to move much, let alone get out. EJ & Keri Lewis celebrate their one year wedding anniversary on Saturday (5/16).
North Street Currents, May 8, 2009

We'll continue in I John on Sunday morning: "How incredible is God's love for us...and we know this because God resides within."
Tonight, Friday, May 8th, we have our first co-ed softball game of the year. Come out to warm up around 5:30 and we're to begin at 6:00 PM this year. We're also each contributing $15 this year for t-shirts, a new bat, and league fees. We play at Humphrey Field in Weymouth (click here for a map).
A few weeks ago, you elected a new church board. The board begins the new church year tomorrow, Saturday, May 9th, with a planning & discussion day. In the afternoon around 1:00, we want to invite anyone from our church community who would like to participate in vision and planning for the next year.
As always, use our online calendar to know what's going on.
See you Sunday!
North Street Currents: April 21, 2009

Hello, North Street Community!
I'm excited about how things are going in our community. It's been a difficult couple of months, but this Easter season brings new life in more ways than one.
This past Sunday was our Annual Meeting Sunday. We elected a new church board, and I'm pleased to announce it to you: Ed DiSante (NMI President), Dawn Haskell (Sunday School Superintendent), Herb Newell (FHSS Ex-Officio), Ryan Ardrey, Tim Eyring, E.J. Lewis, Keri Lewis, Dorothy Newell, Dana Parker, and Jason Parker. I'm excited about this group, and the diverse perspectives and experience it will bring to the leadership of our church community. Please be praying for us as we head into the future.
During the Season of Easter, our Sunday morning worship gatherings will be focused by our epistle readings from I John. Our spiritual father, John Wesley, said of this book: "How plain, how full, and how deep a compedium of genuine Christianity...to confirm the happy and holy communion of the faithful with God and Christ by describing the marks of that blessed state.” The "marks" in I John are evidenced in love.
We had a quick overview of the book this past Sunday, but here's how we'll proceed for the rest of Easter:
"How incredible is God's love for us...
April 26 - ...and we are thus his children."
May 3 - ...and the world knows this by the actions of our lives."
May 10 - ...and we know of this because God resides within."
May 17 - ...and we know of this because the Spirit resonates truth within our lives."
May 24 - ...and this is the story of our lives."
If you were not here to worship with us this past Sunday, you'll want to be sure and pick up the I John booklet this Sunday (on the welcome pulpit). I've challenged everyone to read through the book regularly during Easter.
Tonight we have our Wednesday Evening Gatherings:
6:00 - Community Family Meal
7:00 - Corporate Bible Study (John 5)
8:00 - Personal & Family Finance Discussion
7:00 - Corporate Bible Study (John 5)
8:00 - Personal & Family Finance Discussion

This Saturday is the last of the month and that brings us our Men's Breakfast Fellowship. Come on out at 8:30. Paul Goodwin will be cooking. All (men & women!) are invited this time because...
...right after breakfast, we'll have a day of Landscaping, Planting, & Clean-Up. Spring is passing us and there's a lot of work to do on our grounds. So come out for breakfast at 8:30, wear your workin' clothes, and bring your gloves! We'll begin getting dirty around 9:30.
As always, check our online calendar to see what's going on.
North Street Currents: April 10, 2009
Just a brief invitation by video to this weekend's gatherings:
If you can't see the video in your e-mail, click here to open it in a browser.
If you can't see the video in your e-mail, click here to open it in a browser.
Some Details on the Weekend
Just a few notes to help out with the weekend, noting the visitation and funeral activities for Pastor Scott:
- Men's Fellowship Breakfast will still be at 8:30 this morning (Saturday, March 28).
- The "Belonging & Membership Discussion" that was to happen on Saturday is post-poned until next week.
- The Remembrance worship gathering that was to happen on Sunday evening is also post-poned until next week.
- VERY IMPORTANT: In order to alleviate parking congestion, it will be very helpful for regular North Street attenders to park in the ball field parking lot just up the street from the parsonage on the same side of Thaxter Street. A parking team will be helping direct guests to parking in the Hersey House lot and those who need it to the handicapped spaces behind the church building for both the visitation hours and the funeral service. It would also help if those who could would park at the ball field for regular gatherings on Sunday morning.
- Light refreshments and finger foods will be served after the funeral service. If you would like to help out by bringing something, please e-mail Heidi Parker.
Thank you!
Visitation & Funeral Services for Rev. J. Scott Newell
North Street Community:
The services of memorial for Pastor Scott and his family are as follows:
Visitation - Saturday, March 28, 3:00-6:00 PM
Funeral - Sunday, March 29, 3:00 PM (with light finger foods to follow)
All events will be at our church building, 235 North Street, Hingham, MA 02043
A few more details about how we can help throughout the weekend will come soon (including directions on helping with parking and food), but we wanted you to know of these days and times for now.
Thank you for your prayerful concern and words of encouragement,
For the Newell Family,
Pastor Jeremy
The services of memorial for Pastor Scott and his family are as follows:
Visitation - Saturday, March 28, 3:00-6:00 PM
Funeral - Sunday, March 29, 3:00 PM (with light finger foods to follow)
All events will be at our church building, 235 North Street, Hingham, MA 02043
A few more details about how we can help throughout the weekend will come soon (including directions on helping with parking and food), but we wanted you to know of these days and times for now.
Thank you for your prayerful concern and words of encouragement,
For the Newell Family,
Pastor Jeremy
Rev. John Scott Newell: June 24, 1926 - March 25, 2009

Our beloved founding pastor, mentor, and friend Rev. John Scott Newell passed away peacefully this evening. Dorothy was by his side.
Times of service will be given soon.
"I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die." John 11:25-26
North Street Currents

Here's what's going on:
Tonight, Wednesday, March 25
6:00 PM - Community Meal
7:00 PM - Bible Study - We'll look at John 2 tonight, Jesus' first sign in Cana and actions in the Temple.
8:00 PM - Personal Finance Seminar & Discussion - Tonight we'll consider together what it means to save for retirement, how to invest, and other forward-thinking considerations.
Saturday, March 28
8:30 AM - Men's Fellowship Breakfast
9:30 AM - Belonging & Membership Discussion - This week we will consider what it means to be idenfied as a "church of the Nazarene."
Sunday, March 29
9:45 AM - Sunday School & Discipleship
11:00 AM - Morning Gathering of Worship - As we continue to consider the "story of God," we'll look at the humanity of Christ together, and note how when Christ headed to the cross, he showed us a new understanding of what it means for us to be human before God and the world.
6:14 PM - The Remembrance - We continue to gather for worship around the Communion Table each Sunday evening during Lent. While we begin at 6:14, come at 6:00 to sit in the sanctuary and prepare yourself for worship.
...after the Remembrance - Stick around for pizza (bring a few bucks to chip in). Bring some games, maybe we'll set up the ping-pong table. Let's hang out together for a bit.
Finally, a quote from Frederick Buechner on the season of Lent:
"In many cultures there is an ancient custom of giving a tenth of each year's income to some holy use. For Christians, to observe the forty days of Lent is to do the same thing with roughly a tenth of each year's days. After being baptized by John in the River Jordan, Jesus went off alone into the wilderness where he spent forty days asking himself the question of what it meant to be Jesus. During Lent, Christians are supposed to ask one way or another what it means to be themselves...to answer questions like this is to begin to hear something not only of who you are but of both what you are becoming and what you are failing to become. It can be pretty depressing business all in all, but if sackcloth and ashes are at the start of it, something like Easter may be at the end."
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