- Time - We are pushing everything a half an hour earlier. So we'll study together at 9:30 AM for Sunday School and worship together at 10:30 AM.
- Children's Sunday School - The children are splitting into two groups for Sunday School, one for older and one for younger. For now (until the new partition arrives), the older children will meet in the Newell Gathering Room and the younger children will meet in the kitchen.
- Adult Sunday School - The adults will move up to the sanctuary for Sunday School. (Remember, at 9:30 now!)

We're almost able to purchase the new partition! We need a total of $1965 and we're at $1800. Almost there...
This week's American Idol
We'll be looking this week at "legislative morality." Those are two big words, I know! "Legislative" is basically a word that means "law-making." And morality is of course discussion about what is right concerning living life. It's certain that the Church, by the Holy Spirit, acts as prophet to the world in all things, including living morally. And while having expectations that the society in which we live could begin to live up to these morals, the church in the United States often takes it to an unhealthy level. Basically: We seem to imply that legislating morality is what's most important, when really, what we believe is that it's God, in Christ, who makes true change in human beings. This is what we'll explore this week.
(For all past topics and recordings, visit the main site.)

We will continue to worship around the Table of Christ on Sunday evenings for The Remembrance (that's a new website, check it out). Come and rest at 6:00 PM and we'll worship at 6:14 PM.
Offering & Giving Report
August 30th Offering - $495.00
Year-to-date Offering - $28,711.66
August 30th Faith Promise - $30.00
Year-to-date Faith Promise - $2,630.00
As always, use the online calendar to keep up with our gatherings.