This Sunday, May 17, we'll continue together in I John, looking at 5:1-6: How incredible is God's love for us, and we know this because the Spirit resonates truth within our lives. Let's look forward to being together on Sunday morning.
And as it's the third week of the month, we will celebrate in fellowship together with our monthy potluck. Plan on staying after worship to eat together.
Our next co-ed softball game is next Tuesday, May 19th. You can find all of the games and all other North Street events and gatherings on our online calendar.
Community Notes:
Ed & Charlie DiSante are spending the weekend with Ed's brother, Rolly, who continues to battle through kidney cancer. Bobby Colletti continues to be in great pain and unable to move much, let alone get out. EJ & Keri Lewis celebrate their one year wedding anniversary on Saturday (5/16).