Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy Wednesday!

We're almost halfway through this week.  Have you listened yet (or again) to Sunday's sermon?  Click here for all the recordings from the American Idols series.  A quick note for today: You may find that not every topic is a difficult one for you (i.e.: you may not struggle with "busyness" or living in the moment), but be assured that many others do.  So if you listen to any one topic and are left wondering, "What is he talking about?!", don't feel badly.  In fact...feel just the opposite!  We need your voice and experience to help the rest of us with that given topic.

This week's topic is American Idols: Stuff.  Scripture is pretty clear about not storing up treasures on earth as it becomes a distraction from whom we are meant to be as God's people, and we'll look at that a bit.  But there are other consequences on a global scale.  While we'll consider this Sunday morning, I also invite everyone to Sunday evening's gathering of The Remembrance where we'll watch a video about the "stuff" we use before we gather at the table.  Here's a video teaser (if you're viewing this in an e-mail, you'll likely have to click on our North St. News site to see the video):

In other news, we wrapped up our softball season last night with a great win!  I was reminded again about what a great team we have - we have a blast whether winning or losing.  Thanks to Jason, Herb, Nate, and Ryan who helped organize us this summer.  (I can't believe it's over!)

Sarah Troxler is moving into her new apartment next Tuesday, 8/11.  We want to have a good group to help her.  We'll begin at 12:30 and have pizza after we've finished.  She says she doesn't have much (she just graduated from college, remember!), so it shouldn't take us too long, but with a good group, we'll get things done easier and more quickly.  E-mail me for the address in Quincy near Quincy Medical Center.

In community notes:
  • Paul Goodwin reports that his father is doing well and is in good spirits.
  • Betty Jean Goodwin had minor knee surgery on Monday and is doing well resting at home.
  • Today is our good friends' Andrew & Becky Rankin's 3rd wedding anniversary.
  • Dorothy Newell is trekking across Canada and the US with her son, Kerry.  Here's a note she wanted you all to read: "Hi to all, Kerry and I made it safely across the Yukon Territory, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchuan, ending up in US just after Winnepeg. The country is beautiful and the animals interesting when they're not in the road. Had some close calls, good misses like the wind and hail at the last place we had lunch and  fire that destroyed a camper we'd passed not so long before. We have sung every song we ever knew, from "Climb, Climb up Sunshine Mountain" to "You are Awesome in this Place, Mighty God!"  We're now in Pennsylvania, distributing supplies  that the paddlers used on the river. And leaving the car with it's owneers. Rena is to bring the car from Heuvelton on Friday to get Kerry and the canoe back home. Looks like I will get the weekend I've  hoped for since grandpa died in March with grandson Kelcy in DC. He will also be coming up Friday  to rescue me and arrange for my homegoing. Thank you all for your prayers, as knowing the problems we've missed makes it all so sure there's stuff we know nothing about."  Love mom, g'ma, sis, auntie, cousin, friend (Dorothy)
  • Jeremy & Meghan Scott's pregnancy continues to go well.  Meghan had an appointment this morning, and all looks good.  (We're still at a loss for a name...suggestions are welcome!)
  • Jeremy will be going to the Leadership Summit tomorrow and Friday by the generous support of the Nashua Community Chapel CotN.
I look forward to seeing you soon hopefully even tonight as we gather for community dinner at 6:00 and study John 13:21-38 at 7:00.

In Christ,

P.S. Are you on Twitter?  Let me know so I can add you.  My name is "JeremyDScott"