Our Faith Promise Weekend is in two days! For more information about Faith Promise, click here. Our speaker is Cisca Ireland-Verwoerd, who lived in Taiwan for five years. We're looking forward to hearing from her. Jason Parker and a friend of his will be making authentic Chinese food for us. You won't want to miss it! Everyone is invited to bring desserts and drinks to share. We'll gather at 6:00 and eat around 6:30. And then on Sunday morning, Cisca will speak to us again in our morning gathering to worship.
Remember to continue praying for David Restrick and his work in Mozambique. He continues to update us through his online weblog that you can see here.
In addition, Jonathan Ardrey continues to teach at Africa Nazarene University. You can read his updates and experiences at his blog here.
Speaking of overseas, our prayer continues for EJ & Keri Lewis' and Sara Miller's brother Greg who is deployed in Iraq. This Saturday (October 10th) there will be a car wash fundraiser at Eastern Nazarene College (23 E. Elm Ave, Quincy, MA) to send personal supplies and needs to Greg and his comrades. Here are some details from Keri:
-------------------------------------------------------Car Wash for Our Troops
Saturday, October 10th
9:00am- 2:00pm
The money raised will go toward buying supplies and shipping overseas to my brother and his Army Infrantry platoon. They are now deployed in northern Iraq. We are also taking donations at the car wash or I will be happy to accept them at church. Some useful items are:
AA batteries
Baby wipes
Black Sharpie Markers
Books (new or used)
Chapsticks or lipbalms
CDs and DVDs (new or used)
Duct Tape
Hand sanitizer
Magazines (current and used)
Munchies (no chocolate)
Powered drink mixes in packets
Writing pads & envelopes
Ziploc baggies
We continue to gather each Sunday evening for The Remembrance at 6:00. We've been focused lately around the them of reconciliation, re-membering the Church (the Body of Christ), and healing. Here is our video from last week:
(If you're reading this in e-mail and can't see the video, click here.)

As always, use the online calendar to keep up with our gatherings.