Good Monday to you.

We had a full and wonderful day of worship and fellowship yesterday. In the morning, we began our series: American Idols. In that message, I encouraged and asked everyone to listen again to the sermon later each week. I will try to have the message posted by Monday evening (it's already posted today). You can listen to the message by
clicking here, subscribing to our podcast listing on iTunes, or in a reader by clicking below.
Subscribe in a readerOnline mediums are difficult...and I struggle with how to say this any more clearly or passionately than I can through a keyboard and a screen: but I ask that everyone who's a part of our community take the time to really interact with this series. Come to listen and participate each Sunday and then prayerfully listen throughout the week, both to the Spirit of God and again to the message.
I'm praying for us,
In Christ,