Well, summer activities are winding down and we're headed for September, the time when summer schedules cease, college students return, and cooler weather prevails! Join us this Sunday as we continue in the series on American Idols. We'll be looking at "Security" this week. And then plan to come to the table at the Remembrance at 6:00 in the evening.

The Church Board decided this month to move our Sunday morning gathering of worship a half-hour earlier. So, beginning in September, we will worship at 10:30 AM, with Sunday School at 9:30 AM. Don't forget!
Community Notes:
- Meghan and I want to thank you for the BedandBreakfast.com gift card you gave us last October that we were finally able to use this week. We had a great time at a nice B&B on the Cape in Brewster. It was refreshing and relaxing!
- David Restrick reports that he has a case of tendinitis. Here's his latest report: "Hi Everyone. this is super short because i can only type with my left hand. my mom has diagnosed mw with tendonitis in my right fore arm making it impossible to type with my right hand. I will keep you appraised of my condition. I would appreciate your prayers. God Bless, David"
- Charlie DiSante has had a bit of a bout with high blood pressure in the last week or so. She reports that things are better, but is taking it easy the next couple of days.
Offering & Giving Report
For multiple reasons (disclosure, accountability, awareness, etc.), the Church Board has decided to make more readily available the basic finances of the church community each week. As always, a financial report is given at each monthly board meeting, and the complete spending and budget is presented each year at the Annual Meeting in the spring, but the board feels that a weekly awareness is also important, especially in the difficult financial times.
August 23rd Offering - $467.00
Year-to-date Offering - $28,316.66
August 23rd Faith Promise - $60.00
Year-to-date Faith Promise - $2,600.00
In addition, you'll remember that we're hoping to purchase a partition for the Newell Gathering Room that will provide space for the new children's Sunday School class. We'll need almost $2000 to make the purchase and we're currently at $1525.00. We're almost there!
As always, use the online calendar to keep up with our gatherings.