May 31, 2012

 May 31, 2012

This Sunday in worship we will hear from those who went to Guatemala a couple of weeks ago. I'm looking forward to seeing how this develops for our church. I hope you can be there! - Pastor Jeremy

And after church join us for potluck.  There is no special theme this Sunday just bring along a dish to share.

On-Going Church Board Items:
Pastoral and Community Sabbatical - The Sabbatical Sub-Committee of the board has been formed, met, and submitted an application for funding to the Lilly Foundation for a sabbatical next summer (2013). In the up-coming months we will have more information. Be praying for these developments and what this might look like and mean for our church.

Discipleship Pastor - The board has been in prayer for a couple of weeks regarding bringing onboard Rev. Dennis M. Scott to serve as Discipleship Pastor for our church. We are excited about this possibility and ask for your continued prayer, particularly for our board meeting this coming Monday.

If you have any questions or have input regarding board items, see a board member or email Ed DiSante, Church Administrator

  • Pastor Jeremy will be the morning Bible teacher at the New England District Church of the Nazarene's 2012 Family Camp from June 30th - July 7th. 
  • The New England District Church of the Nazarene Assembly and Conventions are coming up soon: June 13-16. Read more about it on the NED E-Newsletter.

Other Reminders:
Nursery: Heidi and Jason Parker

Sunday, June 3rd
9:30 AM - Gathering to Worship
10:30 AM - Sunday School
12:00 PM - Potluck

Monday, June 4th
6:30 PM - Board Meeting

Tuesday, June 5th
7:00 PM - Ladies' Night

Wednesday, June 6th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion

July 16-20
Kids Week & VBS
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)

May 24, 2012

 May 24, 2012

Pentecost Sunday- This Sunday is Pentecost! Pentecost is the 50th day after Resurrection Sunday and concludes the season of Easter. We will read and hear about the birth of the Christian Church in Acts 2. In our worship gathering this week, we will be singing the song "All Over the World" by Tree63, which is new to us, so give it a listen. Looking forward to seeing you Sunday! - Pastor Jeremy & Sarah

Church Partnership in Guatemala - Pastor Jeremy, Ed, Jen, Nathan, and Lauren all returned from Guatemala early Tuesday morning. Other than some sickness issues since their return, the trip was a huge success! We look forward to sharing about the trip and to prayerfully moving ahead in our partnership with fellow Nazarenes in Guatemala City. Plan on giving input, resources, and your time in the months and years to come as we seek to make this a true church partnership!

On-Going Church Board Items:
Pastoral & Community Sabbatical - The Sabbatical Sub-Committee of the board has been formed, met, and submitted an application for funding to the Lilly Foundation for a sabbatical next summer (2013). Stay tuned for more information and developments of what this might look like and mean for our church.
Discipleship Pastor - The board has been in prayer for a couple of weeks regarding bringing onboard Rev. Dennis M. Scott to serve as Discipleship Pastor for our church. We are excited about this possibility and ask for your continued prayer.
If you have any questions or have input regarding board items, see a board member or email Ed DiSante, Church Administrator

  • Jared and Kerri Lewis are moving this Saturday!  They are hoping to start around noon although Kerri doesn't get off until 2pm.  They will be moving from 10 Speakman St. #205 (Young Apartments on the campus of ENC) to the office building at the Norwell location for South Shore Friends of the Homeless (405 Washington St).  If you are planning on helping out PLEASE let them know so they know how to plan.  Lastly, they need more larger vehicles, if possible.  Right now they only have Herb's truck available  For questions or to let them know if you can help, please call Kerri's cell at 301-518-9878 or Jared's cell 857-234-4672.  Thanks!
  • Keller-Williams Realty and Carol Newell invite you for FREE Roller Skating at the Carousel Family Fun Center on June 16th from 10am-12pm.  The theme is "Skating to keep the shelves stocked".  It is suggested the families bring canned goods or a $5 donation.  For more information contact Carol Newell or see the poster at the church.
  • Pastor Jeremy will be the morning Bible teacher at the New England District Church of the Nazarene's 2012 Family Camp from June 30th - July 8th. 
  • The New England District Church of the Nazarene Assembly & Conventions are coming up soon: June 13-16. Read more about it on the NED E-Newsletter.

Other Reminders:
Nursery: Meghan Scott and Dorothy Newell

Sunday, May 27th
9:30 AM - Gathering to Worship
10:30 AM - Sunday School

Wednesday, May 30th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion

June 3

July 16-20
Kids Week & VBS

Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)

May 17, 2012

 May 17, 2012

Sunday- Dr. Bill Malas will be preaching this Sunday while Jeremy is away.  Everyone is welcomed to stay for a time of fellowship afterwards.

Gotitas de Amor Partnership- Keep in prayer our team who is traveling to Guatemala: Pastor Jeremy Scott, Ed DiSante, Lauren and Nathan Scott, Jennifer Colson and Laura Wooster. They left very early this morning and will return Monday afternoon.

  •  Jared and Kerri are moving from their ENC apartment to the office building at the Norwell location for South Shore Friends of the Homeless (405 Washington St.)  They are hoping to be fully out by the end of Memorial Day weekend, but could especially help that Saturday (especially with big pieces of furniture that won't fit in their little car).  More specific details to come.  For questions or to let them know if you can help, please call Kerri's call at 301-518-9878 or Jared's call 857-234-4672.  Thanks!
  • Keller-Williams Realty and Carol Newell invite you for FREE Roller Skating at the Carousel Family Fun Center on June 16th from 10am-12pm.  The theme is "Skating to keep the shelves stocked".  It is suggested the families bring canned goods or a $5 donation.  For more information contact Carol Newell or see the poster at the church.

Other Reminders:
Nursery: Dana Parker & Dawn Haskell

Sunday, May 20thth
9:30 AM Gathering to Worship
10:30 AM- Sunday School

Wednesday, May 23rd
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion

Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)

May 10, 2012

 May 10, 2012

Gotitas de Amor Partnership- As our team prepares to leave for Guatemala we are asking that folks bring in the following items for the team to take along for the kids in the program- new and unused school supplies: crayons, pens, pencils, colored pencils, notebooks, etc.  Also various small craft supplies and toothbrushes.  Please bring in your items this Sunday (May 13th) so the team has time to pack them with their belongings.

  • Stephen Gerber came home from the hospital on Tuesday and continues with IV antibiotics for an infection.  He will return to Dana Farber today for blood work and follow-up.  Thank you for all your prayers and please keep praying.
  • Nadine Sa asks for prayers as she takes the Massachusetts Teacher Test in High School Mathematics this Saturday!

Other Reminders:
Nursery: Andrew & Becky Rankin

Sunday, May 13th
9:30 AM Gathering to Worship
10:30 AM- Sunday School

Tuesday, May 15th
7:00 PM- Ladies' Craft Night

Wednesday, May 16th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion

Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)

May 3, 2012

 May 3, 2012

This Saturday (May 5th) -CPR and First Aid Course  
From 9am to 1pm join us as Ed teaches us how to save a life!   You can choose to become certified or not.  Certification from the Red Cross will cost $35.  Contact Christina for more details and to also confirm that you will be attending. If you cannot join us this Saturday but would like to become trained in the future please contact Christina and we can discuss a possible future date!

Gotitas de Amor Partnership- For our Partnership Trip to Gotitas de Amor in Guatemala we would ask folks to bring the following items for us to take along for the kids in the program: Los Ăștiles escolares, crayones, plumas, etc siempre son buena ayuda para los chicos (school supplies-crayons, pens, etc. always are a good help for the children).  Also general craft supplies as well.

  • May 6, 2012 from 7:00 pm-8:30pm Westgate Church (100 Winter St., Weston, MA 02493) is pleased to host an evening of performances by some of the many talented friends of Stephen & Nancy Gerber. This fund-raising benefit is being planned in an effort to generate financial support for the Gerbers who have lost so much during this time of Steve's severe illnesses. We are excited for what is sure to be a fun and enjoyable event. Click here for a copy of the invite/poster. Contact Kathy Scarpa at kscarpa1 @ for more information.

Other Reminders:
Nursery: Heidi & Jason Parker

Sunday, May 6th
9:30 AM Gathering to Worship
10:30 AM- Sunday School
12:00 PM- Potluck

Monday, May 7th
6:30 PM- Board Meeting

Wednesday, May 9th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion

Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)