THIS Sunday -
North Street Community Orchestra! Bring your musical instrument! No matter what level of expertise, bring your instrument so we can worship together as an orchestra. If you require a music stand and are able to bring one, please do so! Don't play an instrument? There will be a handful of percussion instruments available. We also still need some people to be singing! Come prepared for a fun, unique time of community worship. Pastor Jeremy will be preaching from Ephesians 2:1-10.Ktizo Gallery & Nook showing! - While we've had the art work of Reyna Elizabeth up for several weeks now, we will have an open showing from 2:00-4:00 PM. This will also kick-off a week-long online silent auction for the individual pieces of Reyna's collection. All proceeds will go to benefit Gotitas de Amor.
Future Sundays- Beginning next week we will be in a series on the book of Galatians. Go ahead and immerse yourself in this book right now in preparation of the series.

Wednesday Evenings - As you think about setting your schedule for the Fall, consider joining us on Wednesday evenings for Community Dinner (6:00 PM) and Corporate Study (7:00 PM). It's a great way to stay connected throughout the week, to share in fellowship, to pray for one another, and to stay in the Word together. We are reading and discussing the book Public Jesus: Exposing the Nature of God in our Community. We will begin with chapter 1 this coming Wednesday (9/12). You can read that chapter by clicking here. In addition, here is a video that gives a taste of the videos from Pastor Tim Suttle. Let me know if you'd like a copy of the book ($13 for those who are able, but don't worry about it if you aren't - just let me know). You do not necessarily need to have read the book/chapter each week to participate in discussion. All are welcome!
Your Spanish Word of the Week - A word to go along with our gallery showing on Sunday (see above!): pintura, meaning 'painting'.
Keep praying for our brothers and sisters in Guatemala City - Pastors Pedro and Vilma Sensente, Carlos and Lily Monterosso, La Iglesia de Vida Abundandte and Gotitas de Amor. We are working on our next trip (hopefully!), and have sent Pastor Pedro communication about a number of exciting things. We're waiting to hear back.

- A note from Charlie DiSante on Missions Books: Do you know where your missionary book is? Bring it back on Sunday, after reading it, of course. That way, we can hand it off to someone who is waiting to read it. - Charlie
- Rosalie Carlson has a new email address and would like us to share it with you, it is Edinbcountry389@gmail.com
- In a facilities update, the oil tank in the parsonage basement began failing and had to be replaced immediately with a new tank.
Sunday, September 9th
9:30 AM - Gathering to Worship
10:30 AM - Sunday School
2:00 PM-4:00 PM- Ktizo Gallery Showing: Reyna Elizabeth
Monday, September 10th
6:30 PM- Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 12th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Corporate Study Discussion: Public Jesus
Other upcoming events:
September 16th- Potluck
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)