Sunday - It's hard to believe, but this Sunday we will wrap up the series on Jacob, looking at Genesis 35 and 37:1: Worship, Life, & Death. Hope to see you Sunday!
After a week looking at God's creativity in scripture (September 9th), I'm praying about what will take us through the Sundays through the end of the liturgical church year (November 25th). While I have some directions in mind, I love some input if anyone has ideas for sermon topics. Shoot me an email if something has been challenging or affirming to you of late in the Word.

Wednesday Evenings - As you think about setting your schedule for the Fall, would you consider joining us on Wednesday evenings for Community Dinner (6:00 PM) and Corporate Study (7:00 PM)? It's a great way to stay connected throughout the week, to share in fellowship, to pray for one another, and to stay in the Word together. Just last night we decided to go through a series called Public Jesus: Exposing the Nature of God in our Community. Here is a video that gives a taste of the book and videos from Pastor Tim Suttle. Let me know if you'd like a copy of the book ($13 for those who are able, but don't worry about it if you aren't - just let me know). We will begin this coming Wednesday, September 5th. - Pastor Jeremy
North Street Community Orchestra! On Sunday, September 9th (only two Sundays away), bring your musical instrument! No matter what level of expertise, bring your instrument so we can worship together as an orchestra. If you would like sheet music for the day, please email Sarah and let her know what instrument you will be playing. Otherwise, some sheet music will be available that day. If you require a music stand and are able to bring one, please do so!
Don't play an instrument? There will be a handful of percussion instruments available. We also still need some people to be singing! Come prepared for a fun, unique time of community worship!
Your Spanish Phrase of the Week - Saludos en Cristo! means "Greetings in Christ!"
Save the Date! - Sunday, September 9th will be a day for the arts! Stay tuned for information about an exciting musical opportunity in the morning worship gathering, but for now, plan on coming to the Ktizo Gallery & Nook's first public showing. While we've had the art work of Reyna Elizabeth up for several weeks now, we will have an open showing at 2:00 PM that day. This will also kick-off a week-long online silent auction for the individual pieces of Reyna's collection. All proceeds will go to benefit Gotitas de Amor.

- Our Minister of Worship (Sarah Troxler!) is moving from one apartment to another in Quincy (just a few blocks apart) TOMORROW Friday, August 31. If you can, plan on helping that day! Please let Sarah know if you are able to help. We'll meet at 9:00 AM.
Other Reminders:
Sunday, September 2nd
9:30 AM - Gathering to Worship
10:30 AM - Sunday School
Tuesday, September 4th
7:00 PM- Ladies' Craft Night
Wednesday, September 5th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Corporate Study Discussion: Public Jesus
Other upcoming events:
September 10th - 6:30 Board Meeting
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)