THIS Sunday: The Only Thing That Counts - We began a new series in Galatians last week and will continue unwrapping "the only thing that counts" this week, beginning at Galatians 1:11. Prepare for worship by reading the whole letter (or even listen to it!).

Wednesday Evenings - We had another great conversation in our discussion on the book Public Jesus: Exposing the Nature of God in Your Community. While anyone can read the book, you don't have to in order to join the conversation. Bring your dinner at 6:00 PM or come around 7:00~ for discussion.

Yes...we will need your help. We will be having a Faith Promise weekend with a dinner on Saturday, October 27th (tentatively at 5:30) and a special worship gathering on Sunday morning (the 28th). Rev. Lora Wooster will speak to us at both times. Plan on joining us this weekend and would you begin praying now about how you might be involved in the partnership.
We did not make further plans for our own next trip to Guatemala because...instead...we are hoping a committee from their church can come to us! We are in the early stages of working this out, but have hopes that they might come to visit in a couple of months!
Your Spanish Word of the Week - Our word this week is otoño, which means "autumn"...which is upon us in temperature, but doesn't officially begin until tomorrow, September 22.

- Pastor Jeremy is inviting any and all to a game night tomorrow evening (Saturday, September 22, 5:00 PM). Facebook Event Page All are invited.
- Can you believe that All Hallow's Eve is less than seven weeks away? As we're planning ahead to light up the neighborhood again this year, would you wash and set aside you clear plastic gallon milk/juice jugs again? Just bring them to the chapel and place them in the kitchen. Thanks!

Sunday, September 23rd
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Corporate Study Discussion: Public Jesus (7:00 PM~)
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)