Sunday - Join us this Sunday as we finally look at the long-awaited reunion of Jacob & Esau.
August Potluck - Our August potluck is THIS Sunday (August 19th). This will be our annual picnic at the Hingham Town Beach. Bring blankets, lawn chairs, games, etc. Oh, and food, too! Afterwards join us for a partnership meeting (see note below)!
Guatemala Partnership - This Sunday we will be having another partnership meeting. We plan on meeting around 2 PM (after the picnic at the beach). We encourage everyone to stick around if they can! We've got much to pray about, discuss, and plan for.
Your Spanish Word of the Week - oracion which is a noun for prayer.
Save the Date! - Sunday, September 9th will be a day for the arts! Stay tuned for information about an exciting musical opportunity in the morning worship gathering, but for now, plan on coming to the Ktizo Gallery & Nook's first public showing. While we've had the art work of Reyna Elizabeth up for several weeks now, we will have an open showing at 2:00 PM that day. This will also kick-off a week-long online silent auction for the individual pieces of Reyna's collection. All proceeds will go to benefit Gotitas de Amor.
Save the Date! - Sunday, September 9th will be a day for the arts! Stay tuned for information about an exciting musical opportunity in the morning worship gathering, but for now, plan on coming to the Ktizo Gallery & Nook's first public showing. While we've had the art work of Reyna Elizabeth up for several weeks now, we will have an open showing at 2:00 PM that day. This will also kick-off a week-long online silent auction for the individual pieces of Reyna's collection. All proceeds will go to benefit Gotitas de Amor.

- Do you have unwanted bags of clothes sitting around? If you have no one you know to pass them on to, there is a Salvation Army donation bin at the Rehoboth shelter location. While recycling is always good, most of the bins we see for "organizations"along the road are actually for-profit companies. Donating to the Salvation Army is important to their on-going ministry in helping those in need.
Other Reminders:
Sunday, August 19th
9:30 AM - Gathering to Worship
10:30 AM - Sunday School
12:00 PM - Potluck at Hingham Bathing Beach
2:00 PM - Partnership Meeting
Tuesday, August 21st
7:00 PM - Ladies' Craft Night
Wednesday, August 22nd
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)