Sunday - Summer is soon to begin its wind-down as we look toward September, school beginning, and a different and hopefully "more regular" schedule. I know I am looking forward to it. But the summer's not over yet! We'll continue in our journey through the life of Jacob this Sunday. I hope you will come.
August Potluck - Our August potluck will be back on the third Sunday (August 19th). This will be our annual picnic at the Hingham Town Beach. Bring blankets, lawn chairs, games, etc. Oh, and food, too!
Guatemala Partnership - Thank you for your continued prayer for our church and for La Iglesia de Viva Abundante as we move into a partnership. We've had several meetings after our initial trip and we have some exciting things to share and ask for your help & participation:
- On September 9th we will be having a special day to feature the art we received from Reyna Elizabeth, opening up the Ktizo Gallery for any to come and view the art. We will be having a silent auction to sell some or all of the pieces, with all proceeds going to Gotitas de Amor, the ministry to empower kids in Guatemala City.
- On the weekend of October 13-14, we will be having a Faith Promise Weekend.
- And in the distant, but not-too-distant future, we are hoping to send another group of us to Guatemala.
Stay tuned for more information on all of this and how you can help or participate! In the meantime, keep praying for the partnership.
Your Spanish Word of the Week - "La paz de Cristo" which means Peace of Christ.

- There will be a small and simple but very important memorial service for Muriel Ross on Sunday (8/12) at 1:30 PM in the community room at Thaxter Park. Even if you didn't know Muriel who often ate with us on Wednesday evenings, your presence and support for those who did at Thaxter Park would be most welcome
- Our Minister of Worship is moving from one apartment to another in Quincy (just a few blocks apart) on August 31. If you can, plan on helping that day!
- As always, please let us know how your church can be praying for you. Send an email to Pastor Jeremy with any updates or concerns.
Other Reminders:
Sunday, August 12th
9:30 AM - Gathering to Worship
10:30 AM- Sunday School
Wednesday, August 15th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)