Daylight Savings - Sunday starts Daylight Savings time, so before you go to bed on Saturday night don't forget to set your clockes one hour ahead.
Annual Meeting - Our annual meeting isn't until Sunday, April 21, but reports will again be spread out this year and begin on April 7th.
Ktizo Gallery & Nook - We will have a new artist featured in the gallery this coming Sunday. Want to know who? You'll have to come and see! However, the featured works should serve as a "warming" presence, perhaps much-needed for some of you as we supposedly head for spring.
Spanish Word of the Week - reloj, which means clock

- We are praying for Jennifer Colson who is in the Proctor House at McLean Hospital.
- We continue to pray for Ryan Ardrey and his wife, Thea, as he recovers from a few recent seizures.
Other Reminders:
Sunday, March 10th
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Wednesday, March 13th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Upcoming Events:
Potluck- March 17th
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Wednesday, March 13th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Upcoming Events:
Potluck- March 17th
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)