This Sunday - This week brings us to Palm Sunday. Our scripture readings are here. This Sunday always brings a mixture of thoughts, emotions, and on-goings during Jesus' "triumphal" entry into Jerusalem. Jesus was praised by the crowd, but he already knew the difficult path ahead of him. Have you ever felt like the hoopla surrounding you in a given situation was all for naught? Join us this week as we consider these things on Palm Sunday.
Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. Our special services this coming week include:
Good Friday Service of Shadows at sundown (7:05 PM) on 3/29
Easter Sunrise Gathering and Breakfast at sunrise (6:28 AM) on 3/31.
There will also be an egg hunt for the children after our regular service.
Also, some of our own are again involved in an Easter musical with our sister church, the South Weymouth Church of the Nazarene: Bow the Knee. Check this link for more details.
Partnership Update - Pastor Jeremy & Connie Vandervort got to speak with Pastor Pedro and another Nazarene from Guatemala City last night on the phone. The plan has been laid for at least Pastor Pedro to visit us this summer in the middle of June! We are excited about this and will need help from a variety of people in a variety of ways to make this happen well. Stay tuned! In the meantime, be praying that all the elements for him to get here go smoothly, including a visa approval from the United States. Spanish Word of the Week - domingo de ramos, which means 'Palm Sunday'.
Annual Meeting - Our annual meeting isn't until Sunday, April 21, but reports will again be spread out this year and begin on April 7th. There are exciting things to report, remember, and reflect upon from this past church year as we enter into another one.
Ladies High Tea - Gals! come enjoy tea, sandwiches, scones, and fellowship at Lauren Scott's house on Saturday, March 23rd, from 4pm-6pm. An assortment of teas will of course be provided, but you are welcome to bring one if you would prefer. Also, if you would like to bring something else to share, let Lauren know. Feel free to invite others. (P.S.: if you do not like tea please don't let that stop you from coming. There will be some sort of other beverages, and...potentially lavender lemonade.)

- Newtown Revisited: Violence and Peacemaking in our Communities - A symposium on March 17 and 24 2:00-3:30 at the Hingham Congregational Church. On March 17th hear about the problem of violence in our communities. On the 24th we will learn how to teach our children and one another how to be peacemakers in our communities.
- We continue to pray for the family and friends of Bryan Killen. He passed away on March 16th and many are traveling to Delaware for his services today and Saturday.
Other Reminders:
Sunday, March 24th
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Wednesday, March 27th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Upcoming Events
Friday, March 29th
Service of Shadows (7:05 PM)
Sunday, March 31st
Easter Sunrise Gather and Breakfast (6:28 AM)
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Egg hunt (10:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Wednesday, March 27th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Upcoming Events
Friday, March 29th
Service of Shadows (7:05 PM)
Sunday, March 31st
Easter Sunrise Gather and Breakfast (6:28 AM)
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Egg hunt (10:30 AM)
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)