Alabaster Offering - February is Alabaster Offering month in the Church of the Nazarene, but because of the blizzard and our retreat we will extend our Alabaster Offering by a week! Bring your Alabaster offering in this Sunday March 3, including alabaster boxes, spare change, or any other monetary donations. The entire proceeds of the Alabaster Offering go to the building of churches and facilities to support the work of the church throughout the world.
Guatemala Partnership - There will be a meeting this Sunday, March 3rd at 2:00 PM at the chapel.
Spanish Word of the Week - 'oracion', which means prayer
NED Day of Prayer - There is a special prayer event on Saturday happening across the New England District Church of the Nazarene. Members of all of our churches in five different states will be gathering at eight locations to pray, fellowship, and receive communion together. All the locations will be connected via video conferencing. Our closest location is the Wollaston Church of the Nazarene in Quincy, but click here to see all of the locations. It should be a great time of prayer, fellowship, and communion. If you have any questions, email Pastor Jeremy.

- Continue to pray for Ryan Ardrey who came home today from the hospital, but has quite a road in front of him after multiple seizures and rigorous medication.
- Continue to pray for Stephen Gerber (Doug's father) as he fights a serious infection at Brigham and Women's hospital and also just learned that his HLH has now crossed into his central nervous system.
Sunday, March 3rd
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Partnership Meeting (2:00 PM)
Monday, March 4th
Board Meeting (6:30 PM)
Wednesday, March 6th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Partnership Meeting (2:00 PM)
Monday, March 4th
Board Meeting (6:30 PM)
Wednesday, March 6th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)