...in Worship
This coming Sunday, April 1, is the last Sunday in Lent and is Palm/Passion Sunday. The readings for Sunday are:
Old Testament: Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm: Psalm 31:9-16
Gospel: Luke 22:14-23
Epistle: Philippians 2:5-11
Click here to read them.
...in Discipleship - the 40 days of lent

This coming week will be our last on the journey through the 40 days of lent. An opportunity for Corporate Prayer is on Monday in Quincy (ENC - Angell Chapel) and Individual Prayer time is on Wednesday at the church building in Hingham. We will gather at the church building on Good Friday at 7:00 PM for a meaningful Tenebrae service. Then on Easter Sunday morning we will gather at the church building at 6:30 AM for an Easter "sunrise" service, a community breakfast after, and then regular Sunday gatherings. For more information or a whole schedule, use these links:
The 40 Days of Lent - Explanation
Schedule of Readings and Activities
...in Prayer - Neal Estey
Neal is back at home after a couple of days in the hospital through this mid-week. Please continue in prayer for him as he recovers over the next several days and weeks.

(from Tim Eyring) - Everett's sister Eleanor passed away yesterday, March 29th, in Medford, Oregon at 9:00 AM Pacific time. This was not unexpected, as she has suffered the dibilitating effects of MS for many years. In fact, for the last two months they have expected her to go at any moment, and she has had hospice care during that time.
This is the first of Everette's siblings to pass away. Everette is the eldest, and Eleanor was the next in birth order. We haven't heard any funeral plans as yet, but Everette's first reaction is that he will not plan to go.
Eleanor was a good Christian, so there are no concerns there. She leaves a husband, Edwin, who has serious heart problems himself, as well as three married daughters.
...in Prayer - Tom Thorton
(from Karen Bennett) - Matt Moore called me this evening and asked if I would contact you about praying for Jamie's dad. Tom Thorton had hip replacement surgery this week, and due to loss of blood and his vitals dropping he is now in the ICU. He is asking for the church to pray for The Thortons.
...in Iraq
Jonathan Kulak is serving in Iraq right now. Two Sundays ago Toni Kulak read a letter from him in our worship gathering. It is below. If you would like to write to Jonathan, you can at:
Unit #73430
APO, AE 09333-3430
Here is the letter:
God is great...only good news to report from the war front! My deployment has been a great experience mentally, physically, and spiritually. I have seen and experienced things over the last two months that I never imagined I'd ever be a part of. It is an honor to serve my country and the Iraqi people as they battle for the basic principles of life which we are blessed to enjoy every day in the US. I can not imagine a better purpose for my life. I thank God every day that He's blessed me with the privilege to serve in the forces of freedom! It keeps me motivated and helps to sustain me mentally & physically every day I put my uniform on. Spiritually, the Lord has been using this time for immense personal growth. Even though I am separated from everything I love, the grace, goodness, and the love of the Lord gives me perfect peace and I never feel alone. It is truly a remarkable feeling! I've also been able to spend a lot of quality time with the Lord in prayer and in His word. I know that he is using this time to refine my character and prepare me for his purpose. It is humbling to be called by the Lord into the desert, the same desert as he called Abraham into. Though I am surrounded by the enemy, I walk in the peace that only the Lord can provide! I miss and love everyone back home, but I also know that this is my calling. So many of us miss our callings in life that it is truly a blessing to know that I am here in the Lord's hands.
Thank you for all the prayers and encouragement! I really believe that this has not only been an important time in my life, but also for the whole family.
In humble service to my God, family, and country...
Jonathan (Kulak)
...in Africa
The Austin Family made it to Kenya, but not without some minor concern. Here is the latestan e-mail from Angela, written on Sunday:
Hi All -
We apologize that it's been a bit of time since we last updated. E-mail is fairly slow here and it’s been hard to know whether to read emails or send emails. So, now is my chance to send.
Praise God - today is the fourth day since we've been here that we've all been healthy. It was a crazy time with Johnny having to go to the hospital and then Caleb having to go back, and even me for my eyes - I had conjunctivitis in both eyes - yuck! We have learned so much through this trying time, and know that God is on our side and he is bigger and better than any evil influence we have and will ever encounter. We can't thank you enough for all of your prayers - they truly have been answered.
This weekend we have been at ANU - Africa Nazarene University - spending time with my cousin Beth and some friends for Jon's birthday which was on Friday. One of the professors here even made a cake for him and everything - it's been a fun, relaxing and refreshing weekend!
Kenya - especially where we are in Naivasha – is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. Out all of our windows we just have the most incredible view of the Rift Valley. We see many mountains, a volcano, Lake Naivasha and just beautiful expanse of land. God has created a beautiful world, to be sure! Just down the road is a pack (or whatever you call it) of 5 or 6 zebras that we see each time we drive up to the school. We saw our first baboons today in Nairobi, and we’ve seen a number of giraffes in the distance. It makes us excited to go on safari at some point.
We're just now getting into the work at the school, now that we are all healthy. Jon's going to be starting to direct the choir next week, and in two weeks will be teaching some Microsoft Word computer courses to the staff and faculty. The kids will be leaving in about a week and a half for their April break for the month. Things will be quiet and different. but relaxing, I'm sure. Everyone has been so kind and gracious, and we are making great friends here with Simon and Purity (the directors), Francis (the headmaster) and Kennedy (the cook). Most have such interesting and some very sad life stories, yet praise God through it all. We are learning so much through the people here.
I could go on and on, but there are crying children and a daddy waiting to be rescued waiting for me outside the internet cafe. Know that we love you and are praying for life back home for you. Thanks to those who have called and written - we can't tell you how great it is to hear from home.
May God continue to bless you! Please continue praying - Caleb is quite scared of the Kenyan people and has become a shy boy - for those who know him that is very out of character, so we need prayer for him. Also, Johnny’s suffering from some nasty diaper rash that could use some healing.
Much love,
Jon, Ang, Caleb and Johnny :)
...in Stewardship
Spring Cleaning Day - Saturday, April 7, at 8:30 AM. Paul Goodwin has offered to organize a Spring Cleaning Day at the church building. Come and help us as we give the interior of the church building a good cleaning.
As always, you can keep up-to-date with NSCC happenings by using our on-line calendar:

...in Administration
The Facilities Committee (Trustees) of the Church Board has moved us into an option to lease agreement with OCI (known to the public as T-Mobile) to research and install personal wireless communications antennae in our steeple. The committee worked hard to ensure the best agreement with OCI to ensure that nothing will interfere with what we do as a Christian community. We are hopeful and thankful for this possible opportunity and the benefits it could bring to NSCC. Over the next several months, OCI will be putting together the means to complete this project. If you have any questions, feel free to talk to Jeremy or someone on the committee.

As you continue to seek the face of God,
May the example of Christ move you,
His love compel you,
And his sacrifice remind you.