This week in the worship gathering we focused on our trust in the Lord.
...in Worship
This coming Sunday, March 11, is the third Sunday in Lent. The readings for Sunday are:
Old Testament: Isaiah 55:1-9
Psalm: Psalm 63:1-8
Gospel: Luke 13:1-9
Epistle: I Corinthians 10:1-13
Click here to read them.
...in Prayer - Neal Estey
The results of the PET scan from last week showed that the cancer is contained to the stomach area. When it comes to cancer, this is good news! More specifics on treatment and type of cancer are still to come. Neal's doctor is intent that he get into Dana Farber as early as possible. Keep praying for John, Sandy, and Neal Estey and Julie White.
...in Discipleship - the 40 days of lent

We continue this week on our journey through the 40 days of lent. Individual Prayer time is on Wednesday at the church building in Hingham. For more information or a whole schedule, use these links:
The 40 Days of Lent - Explanation
Schedule of Readings and Activities
...in Africa
The Austin Family made it to Kenya, but not without some minor concern. Here is an e-mail from Angela, written on Sunday:
Hello All -
Well, we have arrived safely in Kenya, and while the trip itself was fairly uneventful, these firsts days have been quite an adventure. In fact, I am emailing you from the Children's Hospital in Nairobi. Caleb had a bit of a cold when we left to come here, and it has gotten much worse. Two days ago he had a fever all day - it got as high as 104.3. The doctor we spoke with on the phone was not all that concerned, but the next day - yesterday - he began vomiting up everything (mostly just water) that we put in his system. So, we made arrangements, which is difficult enough in itself since we do not have our own cell phone, or transportation to come to Nairobi to this hospital. The hospital is great. Last night Jon and Caleb spent the night here, and it was an extremely difficult and emotional night for them. It was very tough for Jon to watch Caleb's temperature get even higher, for him to continue vomiting, and for him to have the shakes, and to talk non-sense. BUT, praise the Lord, our prayers are being answered and today he is feeling so much better...we say he is back to his old whiny self! Johnny and I stayed at a guest house at the Nazarene Missionary complex. It was wonderful accommodations, but this morning at about 5, Johnny woke up crying and had a fever, also. I fed him and he threw it all up minutes later. I was quite concerned, but actually at this point he seems much better. Yikes! Please just pray that the boys would feel strong and healthy, and that we can get this all behind us so that we can begin our work at the school.
On the brighter side of life, we've been in a lot of prayer about our relationships with Simon and Purity Kiruri - the Directors of the Evelyn Schools. Our prayers have been answered with that, as well. Purity and I were instant friends, and the four of us have been able to be very open and honest about a lot of things, which are all very important to the life of the Schools. Thins are going to be great - we just know it! And, of course, God is with us and He is in control.
Also, when we first arrived in Kenya, the first day and night we stayed at ANU - Africa Nazarene University in Nairobi, and were able to spend a lot of time with my cousin Beth, her new fiancee Drew, and a couple of their friends. It was such a refreshing time for them, and we couldn't have asked for a nicer transition into this new culture.
I have gone on long enough. That's our update for now. Oh, our apartment is wonderful, and it's fine adjusting to life with no electricity - no fridge or TV or microwave. We've really grown SO MUCH as a family already. We are feeling so grateful and blessed for just the few days that we;ve had here.
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. By the time we email again, we trust that we will have a healthy family!
We love each of you.
Serving HIM,
Jon, Ang, Caleb and Johnny :)
In addition, Angela's grandmother passed away Sunday morning here in the States. So please keep them all in prayer.
...in Fellowship
Ladies' Craft Night - Saturday, March 17th, 6:30 at 235 North Street.
Men's Breakfast - Saturday, March 24th, 8:00 AM (meet at 235 North Street).
As you continue to seek the face of God,
May the example of Christ move you,
His love compel you,
And his sacrifice remind you.
We'll see you throughout the week!