This week in the worship gathering we focused on our trust in the Lord. Neal Estey got through his surgery just fine (read about it here). We look forward to this coming Sunday in worship and fellowship (it's potluck week!).

...in Worship
This coming Sunday, March 18, is the fourth Sunday in Lent. We'll be focusing on the parable of the loving father, as it demonstrates to us how the reconciliation of God occurs. The readings for Sunday are:
Old Testament: Joshua 5:9-12
Psalm: Psalm 32
Gospel: Luke 15:1-3,11b-32
Epistle: II Corinthians 5:16-21
Click here to read them.
...in Discipleship - Adult Sunday School
We continue this week on our journey through Hebrews. Click here to read the preview.

Next Sunday is the third Sunday of the month and that means potluck. Bring your favorite dish, dessert, etc., and we'll gather to fellowship after the worship gathering.
...in Discipleship - the 40 days of lent

We continue this week on our journey through the 40 days of lent. For more information or a whole schedule, use these links:
The 40 Days of Lent - Explanation
Schedule of Readings and Activities
...in Africa
Here is the latest e-mail from The Austin Family:
Hi All -
I have to make this kind of quick because we are in a cyber-cafe and the computer is acting up quite a bit. Hopefully I will be able to get this out to all of you.
An update from our last email...we are not in the hospital anymore, of course, and Caleb is 100% better. We've had issues with Johnny being sick, however, this past week. He's had on and off fevers and vomiting, and a very persistent cough. It's very sad to see our normally very happy baby barely able to crack a smile in a day. But, we've seen God heal him this past week, and it was such an amazing thing.
God is teaching us so much here already. We've been having a great time getting out and getting to know the kids. Yesterday we were out playing volleyball and basketball with them. The boys and I were surrounded by the Primary School kids and they all were wanting to touch our hair and our skin. It was a great time of interaction. I was playing a fun little staring contest game with them, which sounds silly, but it was such a great time. It was the first time we've really had the opportunity to connect with the kids.
We've really just been getting into the swing of life this past week. It's been a slow process since the boys have been sick, and I too have been sick. Also, my grandmother passed away (which I was expecting to happen at some point during my trip here) last Sunday, so that took a bit of a toll on my emotions for awhile.
But...all in all, it's been a great trip so far, and we are looking forward to being here for another 3 and a half months. We haven't always felt this way, because it's been a tough transition, but we are on the up and up and are doing well.
We have some contact information now - we know there are some people who were interested in it. Our address is as follows:
Jon and Angela Austin
c/o Evelyn Memorial Christian High School
P.O. Box 1036
Naivasha, Kenya
Well, that's it for now - I need to figure out how to send this to everyone! We are praying for you in your situations, and think about each of you often.
We LOVE reading your emails that you send, but please don't be offended if it tales us a long time to reply, or if we end up not being able to reply at all. Keep writing and know that we love being updated.
Keep us in your prayers as we continue to adjust and continue to heal from all our sicknesses.
Serving HIM,
Jon, Ang, Caleb and Johnny :)
...in Fellowship & Prayer
Ladies' Craft Night
Saturday, March 17th, 6:30 at 235 North Street
Gathering to Fellowship (Potluck)This Sunday, March 18th after the worship gathering
40 days of lent: Corporate Prayer (Quincy)Monday, March 19th, 12:30-1:00 PM
40 days of lent: Individual Prayer (Hingham)Wednesday, March 21st, 7:00-8:00 PM
Men's BreakfastSaturday, March 24th, 8:00 AM (meet at 235 North Street)
You can also check out all up-coming gatherings and events at our
Google Calendar - North Street Community Chapel