This Sunday - This Sunday is Pentecost! We recognize the Lukan giving of the Holy Spirit and the so-called "birth" of the Church on Pentecost. It'll be a special Sunday, with potluck after (including a sabbatical update). The kids will sing for us as well. Here are our passages. Hope to see you there! - Pastor Jeremy
Co-ed Softball - Our first softball game is tomorrow evening (Friday) at 6:00 PM. We team up with Bethel CotN on Empire Street in Quincy to form the "North Street Empire" (clever, eh?). All men and women are invited to play. Winning's okay and all, but we firstly seek to have a good time. Come to play, watch, or take a nap (behind the safety fence, of course!). All of the games are played at Humphrey Field in Weymouth. And check the church calendar for all the games.
Sabbatical Period Update - Come during potluck on Sunday to hear more specifics about the summer! Both of our interns should be here to worship with us as well this week. If you have interest in hosting our interns for dinner a few times throughout the summer, see Heidi Parker who will be helping set up a schedule to this end.
Georges Island Day Trip - Have you signed up yet? Join us for this sabbatical kick-off event on June 15th. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer at the chapel. We are in need of coolers to help transport the food for the day. If you have a big cooler, let Emily Fish know. (And sign up!)
Labor Day Week Retreat: This retreat will wrap up the sabbatical period and will be taking place Aug. 30th through Sept. 2nd at the Craigville Retreat Center on Cape Cod. The cost for the weekend is as follows: $30 for adults, $10 kids 6-17 and 5 and under free. All meals will be provided and we have access to a private beach. It will be a great time to welcome back Pastor Jeremy and his family and to reflect on the whole summer together. Unlike our winter retreat we are responsible for bringing sheets and towels (couples will need double sheets, singles would need single sheets). Sheets and towels can be rented for an additional $10 for the whole weekend. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the foyer. E-mail or talk to Christina Duncan for more information regarding the retreat.
Guatemala Update and Spanish Word of the Week - While our brothers and sisters from Guatemala will not be able to visit us in June, keep praying for them and checking in at the Facebook Group page to say hello. Our word of the week is Espíritu Santo, which is "Holy Spirit".
Ktizo Nook & Gallery - Mark your calendars now for our next Ktizo event! This time, we will shift from the visual medium to an audible one. We are proud to be hosting our own Angelica Wilson, who will be releasing five of her original songs right in our own Ktizo Nook. Plan on coming on Saturday, June 8th at 2:00 PM. Congratulations, Angelica!

- Sarah Troxler invites you to a classical concert this Friday, May 17, at 7pm. Brass and string chamber music collide in this program featuring the Wenham Street Brass Trio, Sarah Troxler on piano, and Rachel Massey on violin! The program features Danish, Finnish, and German composers, culminating in a performance of Brahms’ moving Horn Trio. The concert will be held at the Central Baptist Church, 65 Washington St., Quincy. Tickets are $10 at the door, with a pay-what-you-can rate for students and seniors.
- Angelica Wilson is moving to North Quincy and needs assistance. She is moving the morning of Saturday, June 1st. If you are able to help, please let Angelica know via email. Thanks!
- Jeanette Kutash is moving to a new address in Quincy the morning of June 8th. She is in need of assistance. If you are able to help, please email her. Thank you.
Sunday, May 19th
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Potluck (12:00 PM~)
Wednesday, May 22nd
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Potluck (12:00 PM~)
Wednesday, May 22nd
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)