This Coming Week: District Assembly
Every year the New England District Church of the Nazarene gathers for worship, preaching, business, to ordain ministers, to retire other ministers, and much more. You are invited to any aspect of the District Assembly week (Wed. PM through Fri. PM). The full schedule can be found here. *This means that we will not have regular Wednesday evening activities at the chapel on June 5th.
Sabbatical Update -
There are less than three weeks to go before the beginning of the sabbatical period! Things are beginning: the interns officially start this week, the book study is soon upon us, our trip to Georges Island is fast approaching, and we'll begin with a special send-off service on June 16th.
Wait a second...why are we doing this again? In the midst of the busy-ness of planning something big, it's good to remember why we're doing it so we don't get lost in the details. Now is a good time to read our sabbatical narrative proposal to refresh our spirit, heart, and mind as to our hope for truly coming to understand and practice sabbath. Even though some details have changed from the initial narrative, it still gives a great over-view of why we're doing this. So if you've not ever read it or haven't in a while, take a look here at this link.
Hosting our Summer Interns - In an effort to welcome our summer interns, Andrew Jones and Rebecca Smith, and to make them feel part of our community, we would love to have members of our community fellowship with them throughout their time during the summer with us. You can help by inviting Andrew and/or Rebecca to eat with you. If you are interested in welcoming them to your home for dinner, taking them out for a meal, or meeting with them for dinner at the chapel, please contact Heidi Parker.
Sabbath Book - Throughout the summer we will be reading a book to focus on sabbath. Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in Our Busy Lives. The books will be provided for you, so there is no cost. But we need to know that you'd like one. Let Pastor Jeremy know by email as soon as possible as the books will be ordered on June 1st.
Georges Island Day Trip - We are still in need of coolers to help transport the food for the day. If you have a big cooler, let Emily Fish know. (And sign up!)
Guatemala Update and Spanish Word of the Week - Keep checking in at the Facebook Group page to say hello. Our word of the week is un pueblo de santidad, which is "a Holiness people".
Co-ed Softball - The next softball game is tomorrow (Friday, May 31). All men and women are invited to play. All of the games are played at Humphrey Field in Weymouth. And check the church calendar for all the games.

- Angelica Wilson is moving to North Quincy and needs assistance. She is moving this Saturday morning, June 1st. If you are able to help, please let Angelica know via email. Thanks!
- Jeanette Kutash is also moving to a new address in Quincy the morning of Saturday, June 8th. She is in need of assistance. If you are able to help, please email her. Thank you.
Sunday, June 2nd
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Wednesday, June 5th
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Wednesday, June 5th
Nazarene Missions International Service (7:00 PM) at the Wollaston CotN in Quincy
Thursday, June 6th
Thursday, June 6th
District Assembly Opening Service (7:00 PM) at the Wollaston CotN in Quincy
Friday, June 7th
Friday, June 7th
Ordination Service (7:00 PM) at the Wollaston CotN in Quincy
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)