Our apologies for a very delayed North St. News. This has been quite a week.
This Sunday - This Sunday is our annual celebration of the past and look to the future! (AKA "Annual Meeting"). We will hear a couple of remaining reports, sing, I'll preach a short homily, and we'll vote together. Our passages for the day are here.
This will be a unique Sunday for us. Annual Meeting alone would make it so, but in light of the events in Massachusetts this week, it will certainly be a different kind of Sunday. We will not have Sunday School, but will have a potluck (bring some food to share!). In addition, we will take some time during the potluck to honor Dana, Elise, & Hailey Parker as this is their last Sunday with us.
We will certainly pray in response to this past week and in hope of the future. I wrote some related thoughts on my website late last night if you'd like to read them. I hope to see you tomorrow. - Pastor Jeremy
Sabbatical Period Update - Many things are on-going in preparation for the sabbatical period this summer. Candidates for our summer internship have been interviewed and will be selected and announced soon.
Mark your calendars with the various upcoming dates/events: Another presentation & update will occur during the potluck on May 19th. Details are coming together for the all-church outing to George's Island on Saturday, June 15th (boat tickets and lunch are all provided!). And don't forget the Labor Day Weekend Sabbatical Retreat that will wrap up the sabbatical period taking place Aug. 30th through Sept. 2nd (stay tuned for further details, but be prepared to let us know if you will be attending within the next month or so).
Guatemala Update & Spanish Word of the Week - ¿cómo estás, which means, "how are you?". Continue to pray for the up-coming visit in June of six people (including Pastor Pedro) from La Iglesia del Nazareno de Vida Abundante. We will need help from all around in hosting and visitng with them during their trip here.

- Bobbie Coletti is recovering from triple bypass heart surgery and doing very well and has been moved a rehab facility. Keep her in prayer.
- Ryan Ardrey continues to have seizures and will go to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for further evaluation in June. Pray for him, his wife, Thea, and all involved in trying to figure out what to do in this difficult situation.
- Dana, Elise, & Hailey Parker have announced their transition, moving to Pennsylvania at the end of April. Pray for them as they have much to do before and after the move.
- Need a place to live on the South Shore? Dawn Haskell needs a roommate! Awesome apartment in the Wollaston area of Quincy, right by ENC, close to the T and the beach. Three-bedroom apartment in a two-family home, washer and dryer in the basement, $400/month plus utilities. Great neighborhood and fun neighbors! Available now! :)
- The children will have their last Bible quizzing meet next Saturday (4/27) at the Quincy Wollaston Church of the Nazarene.
Sunday, April 14th
Gathering to Worship/Annual Meeting (9:30 AM)
Potluck (11:30 AM~)
Wednesday, April 24th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Potluck (11:30 AM~)
Wednesday, April 24th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)