This Sunday - This being the third Sunday of Easter, we will continue to celebrate the Resurrection! We'll journey onward in the post-resurrection narrative of John's gospel. Here are all of our passages for Sunday.

Spring Clean-up and Breakfast - This Saturday April 13th, we will begin with breakfast (pot-luck style) at 8am before cleaning our way through the inside and outside of the chapel. Come for all or part of the day. The more, the merrier (and the cleaner)!
Sabbatical Period Update - Many things are on-going in preparation for the sabbatical period this summer. Candidates for our summer internship are currently being interviewed. We hope to announce them soon. Mark your calendars with the various upcoming dates/events: Another presentation & update will occur during the potluck on May 19th. Details are coming together for the all-Church outing to George's Island on Saturday, June 15th (boat tickets and lunch are all provided!). And don't forget the Labor Day Weekend Sabbatical Retreat that will wrap up the sabbatical period.
Guatemala Partnership Update - We have written and sent notarized letters to Pastor Pedro for application to the US Embassy to come visit us this summer. While we are hopeful, this isn't a guarantee. Pray with us that this can all work out! Spanish Word of the Week - la resurreccion which is "the resurrection" (click the word for a link to its pronunciation).
Ktizo Gallery - We are looking forward to our public showing of Beth Restrick's artwork in the gallery this Sunday April 14th, from 4:00-6:00 PM. If you are willing to print and post our flier anywhere, please do so. You can access the flier here (there are also copies at the chapel). But if nothing else, please come to support Beth and as we welcome guests into our chapel.
Annual Meeting - Our annual meeting is two weeks from this Sunday (April 21). We will hear a report or two each week building up to it. There will also be a potluck that Sunday. Would you pray for our church in this time of year-end transition?

- Bobbie Coletti is recovering from triple bypass heart surgery and doing very well. Keep her in prayer.
- Ryan Ardrey had yet another severe seizure yesterday morning. Pray for him, his wife, Thea, and all involved in trying to figure out what to do in this difficult situation.
- Dana, Elise, & Hailey Parker have announced their transition, moving to Pennsylvania at the end of April. Pray for them as they have much to do before and after the move and Elise has had some severe migraines and pain throughout this whole process.
Saturday, April 13th
Spring Clean-up (w/ breakfast!) (8:00 AM)
Sunday, April 14th
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM)
Ktizo Gallery Showing: Beth Restrick, Glimpses of Africa (4:00 PM)
Wednesday, April 17th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Upcoming Events
April 21- Annual Meeting & Potluck
Sunday School (10:30 AM)
Ktizo Gallery Showing: Beth Restrick, Glimpses of Africa (4:00 PM)
Wednesday, April 17th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Upcoming Events
April 21- Annual Meeting & Potluck
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)