This Sunday - This week brings us to the Easter Season! Tonight is our annual Good Friday Service of Shadows at sundown (7:05 PM) and we'll journey through the cross and into the tomb tonight. I encourage you to continue thinking and dwelling upon what Christ has done for and with us on the cross tomorrow, Holy Saturday. And finally, we will begin the season of Easter on Resurrection Sunday with our Easter Sunrise Gathering and Breakfast at sunrise (6:28 AM). Our regular service of worship will be at 9:30 and there will also be an egg hunt for the children after our regular service. - Pastor Jeremy
Easter Flowers - This year, Easter flowers will be yellow daffodils and tulips. Yellow is the color of the rising sun and symbolizes the Risen Son. Plants of tulips ($8) and vases of cut daffodils ($6) will be available for you to take after the Easter Service. Please email Christina if you would like to purchase a flower.
Partnership Update - Pastor Jeremy and Connie Vandervort got to speak with Pastor Pedro and another Nazarene from Guatemala City last week on the phone. The plan has been laid for at least Pastor Pedro to visit us this summer in the middle of June! We are excited about this and will need help from a variety of people in a variety of ways to make this happen well. Stay tuned! In the meantime, be praying that all the elements for him to get here go smoothly, including a visa approval from the United States. Spanish Word of the Week - Pascua, which means 'Easter'.
Cash for Causes - Friday 3-29, Nathan Scott will be placing the monthly Cash for Causes Gift Card order. If you shop at Stop & Shop Supermarket on a regular basis, consider using our gift card program so that 5% goes to support Friends of the Homeless of the South Shore. Orders are generally placed the last week of the month and arrive a week later. If you would like to make an order this month, or set up a monthly order, please contact Nathan via electronic interfacing if possible, (email: nathanielgleinscott@yahoo.com; or text 781-964-6084; or Facebook: Nathan Scott). There is also a slightly less direct option of obtaining a variety of gift cards with 5% going to support FHSS, if you go to the movies, particular restaurants, or home improvement stores frequently consider planning ahead and buying some gift cards. Be in touch with gift card orders or questions.

- Game Night- The first Sunday of every month everyone is welcome to the non-pastoral Scotts' home (Lauren and Nathan) at 48 Grafton St in Quincy for games. From 7:30-10:30 PM. Contact nathanielgleinscott@yahoo.com if you have questions. Directions to the house are available online or using your GPS.
Other Reminders:
Friday, March 29th
Service of Shadows (7:05 PM)
Sunday, March 31st
Easter Sunrise Gathering and Breakfast (6:28 AM)
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Egg Hunt (10:30 AM~)
Monday, April 1st
Board Meeting (6:30 PM)
Wednesday, April 3rd
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Upcoming Events
April 21- Annual Meeting
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Egg Hunt (10:30 AM~)
Monday, April 1st
Board Meeting (6:30 PM)
Wednesday, April 3rd
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Bible Study (7:00 PM)
Upcoming Events
April 21- Annual Meeting
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)