This Sunday: Before taking a break from Galatians next weekend (see below), we will look at chapter 4 this week.

Spanish Word of the Week - Chapinas - this is a Guatemala-specific adjective that refers to someone or something from Guatemala. So for instance, the restaurant that's catering our meal (Antojitos & Panederia Chapinas means "Guatemalan Appetizers and Bakery".
All Saints Day & All Hallow's Eve - The beginning of November is soon to come! With All Saints Day being November 1st, we will again recognize those who've come and gone before us the Sunday after (Nov. 4). We celebrate light and life in the Church, so we remember people candles lit for each person. If you'd like to add a candle for someone who has died in Christ who meant a lot to you, send Pastor Jeremy an email and he'll add one (or more!). Further, plan now to come on All Hallow's Eve (AKA Halloween) to welcome neighbors when they pass by the chapel as we Light Up the Neighborhood. Pastor Jeremy wrote some thoughts last year as to why we'd do this kind of event. You can read them here. (And if you've been saving your gallon milk jugs, be sure to bring them to the chapel before Oct. 31.) Also we are looking for candy donations!

Sabbatical - We can now publicly announce that our church is the recipient of a $47,765 grant from the Lilly Endowment for next summer's sabbatical for the pastor, his family, and our congregation. Congratulations to all! Much thanks goes to the Sabbatical Committee for their hard and timely work on the application back in May. But there's much work to be done! Be praying for them as they plan in the coming months. If you'd like to read more and follow the journey from Pastor Jeremy's perspective, visit his website.

- With the Faith Promise meal being this month, there will be NO potluck for October. Our next potluck will be in November on November 18 with a Thanksgiving theme.
- Our children who are Bible quizzing have their first district gathering/meet next Saturday! Give them a word of encouragement when you see them.
- If you are not on the Quick Updates email list and would like to be, send Christina an email. The Quick Updates go out sporadically throughout the week and include prayer requests, simple updates, and other various items related to the on-goings of the church community. It's a great way to "stay in touch" throughout the week. It is a different list than these once-a-week North St. News emails.
Sunday, October 21st
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Wednesday, October 24th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Corporate Study Discussion: Public Jesus (7:00 PM~)
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Wednesday, October 24th
Corporate Study Discussion: Public Jesus (7:00 PM~)
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)