This Sunday
Our annual Easter sunrise service will be at 6:10 AM followed by breakfast and an egg hunt for the kids. We will continue with our 9:30 worship gathering time with discussion after.
For all of the activities of Holy Week, click here.
Good Friday
Once again, we will gather tomorrow on Good Friday for a Service of Shadows, reflecting upon Jesus' death 2000 years ago and what it means for us today. Come at 7:00 PM and we'll begin shortly after. I also want to invite you to watch a movie that has had an impact on my own life. Romero is an applicable movie to watch on Good Friday. It looks at the life and ministry of Oscar Romero who served the Church in El Salvador. The movie is rated PG-13 and I would forewarn all that it deals with difficult themes of violence and poverty and recommend it only for the mature.
In addition, El Salvador borders Guatemala, where we are sending a team in May to scope out a possible partnership with a ministry there. While they are two distinct countries with various differences, some of the themes in the movie will help shed light on life, culture, and historical aspects of Central America. I hope you can come. - Pastor Jeremy
- Clothing Donations - There is now a 24-hour outdoor donation bin for the Salvation Army at the Friends of the Homeless of the South Shore, Rehoboth location. While recycling/donating clothes is always better than putting them in the trash, supporting the Salvation Army (a sister holiness denomination) is better than the for-profit boxes that have cropped up all over the place these days.
Nursery: Heidi & Jason Parker
Friday, April 6th
7:00 PM - Good Friday Service of Shadows
8:00 PM - Romero
Sunday, April 8th
6:10 AM - Easter Sunrise Service
.....followed by breakfast
8:45 AM- Egghunt
9:30AM- Gathering to Worship
10:30 AM- Sunday School
Wednesday, April 11th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)