This is a full edition of the North Street Currents! Be sure to take time to read it all and note an exciting announcement at the end.
Last Sunday we lit the first candle on our community Advent wreath, the candle of Hope. We're reminded of the hope that God has given us, the hope for the world that's come down in Christ already, and the hope of Christ's coming again.
This coming Sunday, the second of Advent, we'll light the candle of Love. Love is a broad word these days. As we continue to ask ourselves, "Are we ready for the coming of the Lord?" in this Advent season, we'll think about our understanding of love as followers of Christ. Is it love to buy more and give more, or is the love of Christ within and through us something deeper, richer, and longer-lasting? In preparation for worship on Sunday, would you watch this video? (For those reading this in e-mail, click here to see the video.)

Year B Community Scripture Way (CSW)
On Christ the King Sunday, we were presented with our second annual Community Scripture Way. If this is new to you, it's basically a scripture reading plan for our whole community, directing us in worship and study. You can read more about it on our website here.
We are challenging everyone who is a part of our community to use the CSW. You'll find that it is less "aggressive" than last year's, and falls in line more directly with Sunday morning worship gathering readings and Wednesday evening corporate scripture study.
New this year is the option to have the daily readings sent to you by e-mail. Send a message tocsw@northst.org to receive the daily readings. If you prefer using a reader, you can use the RSS feed for the daily readings here. The daily readings by e-mail will begin this coming Monday (12/8).
Advent & Christmas Gatherings and Activities
Church Building Decorating (Sunday, 12/7) - After worship on Sunday, everyone is invited to stay and help finish decorating the church building for the Advent and Christmas seasons. Bring a couple of bucks and we'll get pizza to share.
ENC's 75th Annual Presentation of Handel's Messiah (Sunday, 12/7, 6:00 PM) - As every year for three quarters of a century now, Eastern Nazarene College will be presenting George Frederic Handel's Messiah. Sunday night's performance will include a solo from our own Colleen Gaine. (There is also a presentation on Saturday evening at 7:00 PM.) Click the link for more information and directions.
North Street Caroling & Advent Party (Saturday, December 13, 5:30 PM) - Join us for our annual caroling and party! We'll meet at the church building at 5:30 PM to head out by 6:00, returning for food and celebration after. (We'll either be in the Newell Gathering Room or the parsonage depending on how Brayden Scott is doing after his surgery on Wednesday.)
Men's Breakfast & Fellowship (Saturday, 12/20, 8:30 AM) - All men are invited to enjoy Paul Goodwin's cooking in the Newell Gathering and stay after to help the Christmas Shoppe with wrapping and organizing gifts.
Potluck (Sunday, 12/21, after worship) - The theme is...Easter! Just kidding. What else?!? (Christmas.)

Christmas Eve Family Worship (Wednesday, 12/24, 6:00 PM) - If you're in town, would you plan on worshiping together as a family-community for Christmas Eve? We'll worship for about an hour in traditional candle-lit fashion. On the eve of our celebration of the incarnation, what better way to know God's light than to be together as his people?
HHRLA Hot Topics: Faith & Money
The next bi-monthly Hot Topics panel discussion presented by the Hingham & Hull Religous Leaders Association is Sunday and we're hosting! If you're not going to watch ENC's presentation of Messiah, plan on coming to this discussion, which is one that will feature different faith responses to money and the current economic status of our country. Everyone is invited to bring a canned food item for the Hingham Interfaith Food Pantry. In addition, since we're hosting, we need various snacks for a time of "getting-to-know-you" afterwards. The panel discussion begins at 7:00 PM.
Finer Things Book Club
The book club is back in action on Sunday evening, 12/21. The group will be discussing Dune, and as it's the last book on our list, come prepared with a suggestion for our next list. Jason & Heidi Parker are hosting (click here for directions).

North Street Worship Planning Grid
In an effort to be better prepared in worship, Pastor Jeremy & Keri Lewis have developed a grid to help facilitate individuals and planning for our gatherings. Here is a link to the grid, and the link will always be available on the right side of the North St. News page.
...and last, but certainly not least...introducing...
The first annual North Street Community Retreat! As we seek to reflect community more, the church board was challenged in thinking about how we can create times of extended interaction with one another. It's very difficult to get to know each other beyond the surface an hour or two here and there. So as one initiative, we are planning an annual retreat. More details will come soon, but for now, block off the weekend of February 13-16 (President's Day Weekend). We will retreat to our district campground, Windsor Hills. We'll be staying in "the Inn," which is a wonderful facility with hotel quality rooms. Stay tuned for more information!