Last Sunday we lit the second candle on our community Advent wreath, the candle of Love. We're reminded that the love of God is a love that gives all, sacrifices everything, and thinks of the loved before the lover.
This coming Sunday, the third of Advent, we'll light the candle of joy.

Year B Community Scripture Way (CSW)
How are you doing on the csw? Did you want to sign up to receive it by e-mail? Send a message to to receive the daily readings by e-mail. If you prefer using a reader, you can use the RSS feed for the daily readings here.
North Street Caroling & Advent Party
This Saturday, December 13, 5:30 PM - Join us for our annual caroling and party! We'll meet at the church building at 5:30 PM to head out by 6:00, returning for food and celebration after.
Men's Breakfast & Fellowship
Saturday, 12/20, 8:30 AM - All men are invited to enjoy Paul Goodwin's cooking in the Newell Gathering and stay after to help the Friends of the Homeless Christmas Shoppe with wrapping and organizing gifts.
Sunday, 12/21, after worship - Here's a note from Carol Newell:
Hello Everyone!
The Christmas Potluck is coming up in 11 days! It makes sense to get the sign up sheet out. I will post one on the bulletin board in the Newell Gathering Room for Sunday but if you won't be there or would like to let me know what you'd like to bring I will update the list (e-mail).
That day will be special for all of us. I understand the kids have something planned and I have something special planned for the kids. So come and enjoy the friendship of each other!
Carol Newell

Christmas Eve Family Worship
Wednesday, 12/24, 6:00 PM - If you're in town, would you plan on worshiping together as a family-community for Christmas Eve? We'll worship for about an hour in traditional candle-lit fashion. On the eve of our celebration of the incarnation, what better way to know God's light than to be together as his people?
Finer Things Book Club
The book club is back in action on Sunday evening, 12/21. The group will be discussing Dune, and as it's the last book on our list, come prepared with a suggestion for our next list. Jason & Heidi Parker are hosting (click here for directions).
...on the calendar