Well today is Maundy Thursday. Lent is coming to an end, but not before the events of Holy Week take place. Here's a run-down of our gatherings up through Easter Sunday:
Thursday, March 20 (Maundy Thursday)
7:00 PM - Bible Study (We'll look at the path to the cross in scripture tonight)
Friday, March 21 (Good Friday)
7:00 PM - Good Friday Tenebrae Service
...after... - Viewing of the Passion of the Christ at the Scotts (please note that due to lack of response, the Thursday and Saturday viewings have been canceled, but a few more spots are open for Friday and if you would still like to come, let Jeremy know)
Sunday, March 23 (Resurrection Sunday)
6:30 AM - Easter Sunrise Service
...after... - Easter Breakfast fellowship
11:00 AM - Worship Celebration of the Resurrection!!!
Easter Breakfast Fellowship
After the sunrise gathering on Easter Sunday, everyone is invited for breakfast. Here's a note from our breakfast leader, Heidi Parker:
At 6:30 this coming Sunday Morning, we are having a Eastern Sunrise Gathering at the church. After the service we'll all eat breakfast together. It'll be kind of like a potluck breakfast. So, those of you that are planning on coming can bring along some sort of breakfast to share. (drink, food, etc...)
Hope to see you there!
Please respond to Heidi if you are bringing something so we can have an idea of what's coming.

I just wanted to update you on how the first gathering of "The Remembrance" went this past Sunday. It was wonderful. About 20-25 of us gathered for high energy music, some time for reflection & prayer, and of course, the remembrance ("communion"). Stay tuned for the next gathering!
Local Mission Trip
There is a sign up sheet for our "trip" to the Dorchester Immanuel Church of the Nazarene in the foyer of the church building. We will be going to perform a number of projects there to help enhance their worship facility. There are projects for all ability levels! The dates are: Friday night, April 4th, Saturday, April 5th, and then on Sunday, April 6th in the evening, we will be worshiping together in Dorchester with the Immanuel Church.
...on the calendar
As always, you can keep up-to-date with North Street happenings, including all of the Lenten events, by using our on-line calendar (click here).