We are on day 33 in our journey through the forty days of Lent. Can you believe it!?
Lent 2008 Explanation
Lent 2008 Schedule
As you look to Holy Week next week, remember the special events in addition to regular Lent activities: our Good Friday Tenebrae Service (7:00 PM), viewings of The Passion of the Christ Thurs-Sat (please e-mail Pastor Jeremy soon to RSVP), Easter Sunrise Service (6:30 AM), and of course, our celebration at 11:00 on Resurrection Sunday.
Gathering to Fellowship - "Spring into Spring" Potluck
This coming Sunday (March 16th) is the third Sunday of the month and we invite everyone to stay to eat and fellowship together after we worship. With the arrival of spring next week, everyone is encouraged to bring cookout-type foods - hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salads, chips & dips, etc.

The Remembrance
We're just two days out from The Remembrance: this Sunday, March 16th. Gather with us on Sunday evening at 6:00 PM for a service of communion.
Local Mission Trip
Planning is picking up for our "trip" to the Dorchester Immanuel Church of the Nazarene. We will be going to perform a number of projects there to help enhance their worship facility. There are projects for all ability levels! The dates are: Friday night, April 4th, Saturday, April 5th, and then on Sunday, April 6th in the evening, we will be worshiping together in Dorchester with the Immanuel Church. Speak with Herb Newell and Andrew Rankin to sign up.
...on the calendar
As always, you can keep up-to-date with North Street happenings, including all of the Lenten events, by using our on-line calendar (click here).