This coming Sunday, October 21 is the twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost. We'll be reflecting on how God listens to the faith and faithfulness of his people. The readings are:
Old Testament: Jeremiah 31:27-34
Psalm: Psalm 121
Gospel: Luke 18:1-8
Epistle: II Timothy 3:14 - 4:5
Click here to read them.
Ladies Night

A note from Heidi Parker:
Well, it's that week of the month. This week we're also having pot luck at the church. A lot of you have expressed interest in getting together to make tasty apple treats for pot luck. So, the plan for this Saturday's Ladies Night is sharing all of our apple baking tricks with each other. I'll bring lots of apples and the basic ingredients (i.e. sugar, flour, cinnamon, milk, eggs, salt, Crisco). If you have a special apple treat that you make, bring that recipe along. Also, bring any ingredients that are exclusive to your treat. I'm going to bring my Swedish apple pie recipe along. If you don't know anything about baking, this is also a perfect time to learn! Hope to see you on Saturday at 6:30! And please send it along to anyone that I'm missing!

As mentioned by Heidi above, this is indeed the third Sunday of the month, and everyone is invited to stay after our worship gathering for food and conversation. There will be plenty of fall apple-themed delights thanks to our ladies night on Saturday.
Faith Promise
We had a great second annual Faith Promise Weekend this past weekend! Beth & David Restrick spoke to us about their life experiences in Mozambique and how the Church of the Nazarene is at work there. Did you miss it? Click here to read more about what Faith Promise is. For all of us, let's continue in prayer these next couple of days as we seek God's leading in responding to our call to support world-wide missions.

Here are some ways we can be praying for our community:
- Charlie DiSante's uncle passed away on Tuesday. Pray for her and her family as she has traveled to Pittsburgh to be with family.
- Continue to pray for Neal Estey in these days as he regains strength in between chemo treatments.
- Bobbi Colletti continues to recover in Pembroke with her son. Pray for her to regain strength so she can rejoin us in Hingham!
- Please pray for the Kern family (Meghan Scott's sister, Erin, brother-in-law, Kevin, and six children) as they work through some difficult times in these days.
...on the calendar
As always, you can keep up-to-date with NSCC happenings by using our on-line calendar (click here).