Why are we doing this?
Even with all of the wonderful technology, instant communication, and vast array of information sources available to us today, we followers of Christ still seem to have a difficult time being aware of our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world. One aspect of the Faith Promise initiative is to hear more about what is happening through the Church of the Nazarene outside of our local context.
Another aspect draws from this "knowing" of what's going on. With awareness comes a desire to be a part of something. Faith Promise helps us support the World Evangelism Fund. The WEF of the Church of the Nazarene is the main financial structure through which the evangelistic work of the denomination is accomplished throughout the world (click here for more on the WEF), and all Faith Promise funds that come in through North Street Community Chapel go directly to the World Evangelism Fund.
Yeah, but why Faith Promise? Faith Promise is a way that individuals and local churches can participate regularly in supporting the World Evangelism Fund. (Click here for more on Faith Promise and how it works.)
Regardless, everyone is invited to dinner this Saturday evening. We'll have soups and salad available, so everyone can just bring their favorite dessert. See you Saturday evening!