Today's work included much of the same - some working inside reframing and rewiring, and most working outside clearing overgrown vegetation. (
Click here for today's pictures.) We have been kept safe from major injury. The most we've had to worry about is a scratched head, scraped elbow, bee sting, and a few smashed fingers. Today was the hottest day so far and we've made sure to take water breaks quite often.

In one of today's pictures, you'll see Jim. He and his wife, Charlotte, have been volunteering down here for Nazarene Disaster Relief for quite a while now. Jim is a retired contractor with obvious usefulness down here and Charlotte oversees all meals and food needs every week for every group (for instance, this week, she's cooking for over fifty volunteers). Jim has been directing our group at the site. They are from Pennsylvania.
At the end of the day, as we were packing up, "Mr. Wallace" - one of the homeowners - came and asked us to come and meet a friend who had stopped by. We met his neighbor and friend whom he hadn't seen since before Hurricane Katrina until today. He's moving back home. We talked to him for a bit, and tomorrow we're going to tear up and mow the overgrown grass, trees, bushes, etc. in his yard. So though the work and progress for New Orleans is slow, people are still returning as they can.

Tonight we went back to New Orleans First Church of the Nazarene to eat dinner with Pastor Larry Bolling and the people of First Church. Ed & Charlie DiSante shared some of their experiences from Madagascar, challenging us to think intentionally about missions. Before they spoke, we shared in a homemade meal of seafood gumbo. It was a great time of food and fellowship. We've established a special connection with New Orleans First Church and it's been wonderful to share in the ministry to this city with them.
Tomorrow will be much of the same, and we're looking forward to it.
June 4th pictures
June 5th pictures
June 6th picturesJune 4th blog postJune 5th blog post