...in Worship on Sunday
For the first time this coming Sunday, June 24 Jeremy will be preaching mainly from Psalm. Here are all of the readings:
Old Testament: I Kings 19:1-15a
Psalm: Psalms 42 & 43 5:1-8
Gospel: Luke 8:26-39
Epistle: Galatians 3:23-29
Click here to read them.

This is just a reminder that what you're receiving through e-mail is always available on the North St. News blog. This page includes a lot of other resources as well, including the ability to look back for whatever reason at past posts (e-mails). Bookmark it and keep it handy!

Our monthly men's fellowship breakfast is tomorrow at 8:00 AM. We're going to try a "potluck" style breakfast for the first time. Bring your favorite breakfast food/dish. And then after we eat...

We've got a couple of projects that need completion including finishing up the painting of the parsonage and garage, putting up the last of the shutters on the church building, and cleaning out the basement of the church some more. We'll begin at 10:30 AM.

Paul Goodwin is down in New Orleans again, doing what he can for Nazarene Disaster Response with all the skills he has. This time, Katie Goodwin has joined him. They've had some short sicknesses attack them here and there. Pray for them as they minister for us down there.
Also, please continue to pray for Friends of the Homeless of the South Shore as they seek to fill two important staff positions. There is a whole lot of extra work for the current staff in filling needed shifts and responsibilities. Do you know someone that might be a good prospective staff member for FHSS? Please contact Ed DiSante if you do. Regardless, please keep FHSS in prayer.

WE NEED PLAYERS TO HELP US! After having 21 come to the first game, we had just 8 this past game. There's plenty of playing time! Contrary to the last update, our team has a record of two wins and four losses (2-4) and a whole lotta fun. Our next game is this coming Monday (June 25) and if we follow the pattern we've set for ourselves, we should win this one! Click here for more information about softball including the schedule and directions to the field.

Sorry about the missing links in the last update from the Austin Family in Kenya. They should work this time and we've received one more since that update. They're almost ready to come home! Please continue in prayer for the Austins as they continue to seek God's face in knowing what's next in ministry when they return to the United States in just a few days.
June 2, 2007
June 8, 2007
June 13, 2007
June 19, 2007
...on the calendar
As always, you can keep up-to-date with NSCC happenings by using our on-line calendar (click here).