Intern Rebecca Smith will will making her preaching debut this Sunday, as she brings us a message which God has laid on her heart concerning the Gospel.
Sabbatical Update -
This week, Pastor Jeremy will be worshiping in Lynchburg, VA, as the Scotts begin their re-entry period..
During the Sabbatical period, Pastor Dennis is providing leadership for our congregation. He is available to be reached at 603-235-4879
Labor Day Retreat -
Our Labor Day Weekend Retreat is only two weeks away! (August 30th- September 2nd) This retreat will wrap up the sabbatical period and will take place at the Craigville Retreat Center on Cape Cod. The cost for the weekend is as follows: $30 for adults, $10 kids (6-17) and 5 and under free. All meals will be provided and we will have access to a private beach, tennis courts and volleyball nets. It will be a great time to welcome back Pastor Jeremy and his family and to reflect on the whole summer together. Unlike our winter retreat we are responsible for bringing sheets and towels (couples will need double sheets, singles -twin sheets). Sheets and towels can be rented for an additional $10.
Please start placing your deposit in the offering box, but clearly mark it as retreat deposit. Emails have been sent out with more details about the retreat. Please respond to these emails. Didn't receive one? Then please let Christina know. We don't want to assume you are coming and that you don't have any dietary restrictions. If you did not sign-up, but would like to join us, please talk to Christina. A final count is needed by August 19th. Check-out the facebook event for more information as well. If you have any questions please contact Christina.
Guatemala Update and Spanish Word of the Week - Keep checking in at the Facebook Group page to say hello. Our word of the week is Espíritu Santo, which means "Holy Spirit."

- Please continue to pray for Stephen and Nancy Gerber, who have been dealing with medical issues over the past weeks.
Other Reminders:
Sunday, August 18th
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Wednesday, August 21th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)
Sabbath Study (7:00 PM)
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)