This Sunday - We have but two more weeks in Galatians! In many ways, we've been building up to this week's passage. We're rather clear by now of Paul's message that the law or rule-keeping systems are of no value to faith in Christ. Or, we understand that the result of keeping the rules of the law is fruitlessness. So the question becomes: just what is the fruit of faith in Christ and how do we grow such fruit? This week's passage (Galatians 5:16-26) is well-known to answer this question and will lead us on Sunday. I hope you can come. - Pastor Jeremy

As a Church of the Nazarene, North Street Community gets to participate in the greater worldwide works and efforts of the denomination by giving to the World Evangelism Fund to the amount of 5.5% of our regular income. In years past, we have even overpaid this amount because we believe in the work of the CotN. In addition, we felt led to begin a partnership. We have seen this come to fruition with Vida Abundante CotN in Guatemala City. For now, the board desires to support the partnership with a monthly amount of $300. As an effort to fulfill these two things, we are practicing "Faith Promise," which in short, is a promise made in faith between an individual or family and God. Check out those links to read more about the WEF and Faith Promise.
We will have more cards and a time of prayer on Sunday to wrap up our Faith Promise for this year. Thanks for your faithfulness!
Spanish Word of the Week - ninos, which is the noun for children.
The Psalmist's Cry - With the bad weather last night, some could not make it to our regular Wednesday gatherings. As such, we've moved beginning our new series until next Wednesday. You can still get in! There are copies of the first chapter on the pulpit in the Newell Gathering Room, or you can check it out here. You can also watch a trailer of the series videos here.
Fall Clean-up Day - We will be having a Fall cleanup day at the Chapel. Come one, come all! Saturday Nov. 17. 8am to noon. Rake,rake,rake those leaves.
November Potluck - On Sunday, November 18th, we will have a Thanksgiving-themed potluck. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer of the chapel.

- Jennifer Colson is looking for a ride home from Logan Airport on Thursday, Nov. 15th at about 4:00 PM.
Other Reminders:
Sunday, November 11th
Gathering to Worship (9:30 AM)
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Corporate Study Discussion (7:00 PM~)
Upcoming Dates:
Sunday School (10:30 AM~)
Wednesday, November 14th
Community Dinner (6:00 PM)Corporate Study Discussion (7:00 PM~)
Upcoming Dates:
- Fall Clean-up- Nov. 17th-8am-12
- Thanksgiving Potluck - Nov. 18th
- The Remembrance: Advent Edition - Dec. 14th at 6:30pm
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)