This Sunday - Jeremy Stanford will be preaching this Sunday as Pastor Jeremy (Scott!) will be away teaching the morning Bible Studies at the New England District Family Camp.
No Community Dinner/Bible Study on July 4th - With many in our community gone during the July 4th holiday it was decided to cancel Community Dinner and Bible Study this coming Wednesday, July 4th.
Tumbleweed Gulch: Our Kids Week is three weeks away! - Tumbleweed Gulch is a dry, dusty small town in the old West. It was an exciting place to be during the “good old days” of the gold rush. However, since the gold mines dried up and most of the people left, a long drought has nearly sapped the hope out of the people who stayed behind. But there is hope! Throughout the week, people will slowly change from feeling dry and depressed to buoyant and cheerful. The children will learn how the Western World of Tumbleweed Gulch is changed by God’s love and provision. Through stories, games, music, and snacks, the children will also learn how God’s love changes their lives, direction, attitude, actions and future! Registration and more information is now available through our church website.
Community Sunday: Membership, Baptism, & Installation - Sunday, July 15th will be a special day for our church community. We'll be receiving new members, possibly baptizing a couple of people, and installing Rev. Dennis Scott as our Associate Pastor. There will be no Sunday School that day and we'll celebrate after worship with a potluck gathering. Plan now on being here for this exciting Sunday!
SAVE THE DATE! Saturday evening July 21: Family Night out at Paisano's Guatemalan Restaurant in Waltham. Authentic Guatemalan food and music. Details to follow

- We all know that the summer is such a different time, with a change in pace and schedule for so many. Pray for our church community this summer as people travel, rest, and play.
Other Reminders:
Sunday, July 1st
9:30 AM - Gathering to Worship
10:30 AM - Sunday School
July 9th
6:30 PM-Board Meeting
July 16-20
Kids Week and VBS
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)