Also, plan ahead now for joining your church community to celebrate Life on Resurrection Sunday, the beginning of Easter (April 8th). - Pastor Jeremy
Free Movie Night, this Friday, March 16 at 7pm at the chapel. The movie shown will be "Life is Beautiful", a romantic story set during the Holocaust. The movie is rated PG-13. Feel free to bring your own snacks or drinks, and invite your friends!
Children's Room Painting Day: We are so excited to be creating another space in our chapel for children! Come out this Saturday, March 17th at 10 am to help us paint the stairwell and room downstairs in preparation for our children. Contact Dawn Haskell with questions.

Global Partnership- As we enter into this partnership, anyone who is interested in helping to finance the first trip could place an offering in a box and designate it for the trip. The cost for lodging, food and transportation in the country will be about $125-$150 per person, which the church is planning to pay. Airfare is $582 per person. Those going on the trip are Pastor Jeremy, Ed, Jen, Nathan, Lauren and Lora Wooster (our Partnership Coordinator). The church is planning to finance Pastor Jeremy's and Lora's airfare, the others to pay for themselves. The dates for the trip are May 17-21.
Potluck- Sometimes change is good! So starting with April potlucks will now take place the first Sunday of every month. For April's potluck think Spring! Various types of salads (regular salad, fruit salad, pasta salad, etc.). Sign-up sheet in the foyer.
- Pray that God's peace will overshadow Randy (Charlie's brother) while he and his wife Lori wait the 7 to10 days for results from a procedure.
Other Reminders:
Friday, March 16th
7:00 PM- Movie Night
Saturday, March 17th
10:00 AM- Painting of new children's space
Monday, March 19th
6:00 PM- Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 20th
7:00 PM- Ladies' Night
Wednesday, March 21st
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion
10:00 AM- Painting of new children's space
Sunday, March 18th
9:30 AM - Worship Gathering
10:30 AM - Sunday SchoolMonday, March 19th
6:00 PM- Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 20th
7:00 PM- Ladies' Night
Wednesday, March 21st
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)