This Sunday

We will also be hearing reports from Herb Newell about Friends of the Homeless and from Dawn Haskell about our Children's programs. These are in anticipation of our annual meeting, which is scheduled for after our Discussion time on Sunday April 15th. - Ed DiSante
After service and Sunday School continue to fellowship with us by joining us in our monthly potluck!
Lastly, I want to remind you that next week is Holy Week, the pinnacle of the year for Christians. I'd encourage you to seriously consider the weight of this week and how meaningful it is for our lives as those who follow Christ, the Crucified One. Of course, it all builds up to Resurrection Sunday, the beginning of the season of Easter. Celebrating Easter tends to be "easier" and very popular. But before there were colored eggs, fluffy bunnies, and cute marshmallow animals, there was an empty tomb. And before the empty tomb, there was the bloody cross. I challenge you to make this week different than the rest of your year. There are plenty of opportunities below. See me for more. - Pastor Jeremy
Holy Week "Way of the Cross"
Our sister church, Bethel Church of the Nazarene, has again invited any from our church community to join in walking a stations of the cross prayer vigil. From their invitation:
"We are basing the experience on the events of holy week as found in the book of Luke. This event is particularly suitable for families, who are encouraged to participate together. It can be challenging to engage children in the observance of Holy Week. We have found this opportunity to be very meaningful. We would like to share our experience with you and your congregation."
Members of North Street are invited to participate on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday of Holy Week. It will be open from 6-8 PM each of those evenings.
Good Friday
Once again, we will gather on Good Friday for a Service of Shadows, reflecting upon Jesus' death 2000 years ago and what it means for us today. Come at 7:00 PM and we'll begin shortly after. Also this year, you are invited to stay after the gathering to view the movie, Romero. An appropriate movie to watch on Good Friday, it follows the life and ministry of Oscar Romero who served the Church in El Salvador. The movie is rated PG-13 and I would forewarn all that it deals with difficult themes of violence and poverty and recommend it only for the mature. Some images in the movie are actual photos from the violence in El Salvador in the late 1970s.
In addition, El Salvador borders Guatemala, where we are sending a team in May to scope out a possible partnership with a ministry there. While they are two distinct countries with various differences, some of the themes in the movie will help shed light on life, culture, and historical aspects of Central America. I hope you can come. - Pastor Jeremy
Easter Flowers
On Easter Sunday (April 8) we want to make our sanctuary look beautiful! As part of this, we are offering the purchase of tulip pots for $7 a piece. If you can help out with this or would like to purchase one or more in memory of loved ones, please email Christina. Include your desired number of plants and preferred colors. Payment can be placed in the offering boxes (but be sure to specifically mark it - checks can be made out to the church). Please feel free to take the plants with you after we worship that day. All orders need to placed by this Sunday, April 1.
Easter Sunday
Our annual Easter sunrise service will be at 6:10 AM followed by breakfast and an egg hunt for the kids. We will continue with our 9:30 worship gathering time with discussion after.
- Clothing Donations - There is now a 24-hour outdoor donation bin for the Salvation Army at the Friends of the Homeless of the South Shore, Rehoboth location. While recycling/donating clothes is always better than putting them in the trash, supporting the Salvation Army (a sister holiness denomination) is better than the for-profit boxes that have cropped up all over the place these days.
- Prayer is requested for Mary Ziegler, a long-time shelter staff member, who is still in South Shore Hospital with a specialized case of pneumonia.
- Prayer is requested for Helen Van Praet who is waiting the results of a biopsy and is then possibly headed for surgery on April 10th.
Other Reminders:
Nursery this week: Dorothy Newell and Emily Poutre
Sunday, April 1st
9:30 AM - Worship Gathering
10:30 AM - Sunday School
12:00 PM - Potluck
Tuesday, April 3rd
7:00 PM - Ladies' Night
Wednesday, April 4th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion
Friday, April 6th
7:00 PM - Good Friday Service of Shadows
8:00 PM - Romero
7:00 PM - Ladies' Night
Wednesday, April 4th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion
Friday, April 6th
7:00 PM - Good Friday Service of Shadows
8:00 PM - Romero
Use our online calendar for these and other dates/events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "communication@northst.org" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)