Coffeehouse with St. Paul's Church of the Nazarene
This Sunday
2012 Community Retreat
Work Day
The Nook
March Madness!
Coffeehouse with St. Paul's Church of the Nazarene - Coffeehouse (Open Mic Night) is coming to North Street this Friday, January 20 at 7pm! We join the St. Paul's Church of the Nazarene (Duxbury) hosting an open mic night in our own chapel. Come at 7pm for an hour or so of music, poetry reading, and more, and then stay afterward for a time of fellowship and refreshment in the Newell Gathering Room. Please bring a snack or drink to share. All are invited to perform: the young, the old, the inexperienced and the savant! Let Sarah know if you'd like to perform.
Sunday - We continue Sunday in the Words to Build a Life On series, focusing this week on Matthew 7:7-12. And after the worship gathering, we'll gather to fellowship around the table for our monthly potluck. There is no theme this month, so just bring something delicious to share!
North Street Community Retreat - Our fourth annual North Street Community Retreat at Windsor Hills Campground (February 17-20, President’s Day Weekend) is yet even closer! Click here for all the info. Everyone is invited to come. We will have a special time of worship together on Sunday morning and invite all to come for worship and stay for lunch, even if you're unable to stay overnight at all (there will no worship gathering in Hingham that day). If you are thinking of not going simply based on finances, please speak with Pastor Jeremy! We want to try and work it out.
Work Day - January 28, 9 AM - Meet at the church at 9am to help clean the downstairs storage space and to paint a variety of walls and windows. Your help is greatly appreciated as we continue to love on our old building and also try to create some more space for children's Sunday School!
The Nook - Please continue to bring art work to add to our nook! If you have questions or want to add something, contact Sarah.
March Madness! - We are going to switch things up a bit on Sunday mornings beginning with the first Sunday in March and throughout the season of Lent. Simply put: Our gathering or worship will be at 9:30 AM and Sunday School will follow at 10:30. There will be more info to come about what this will look like. Stay tuned!
Work Day - January 28, 9 AM - Meet at the church at 9am to help clean the downstairs storage space and to paint a variety of walls and windows. Your help is greatly appreciated as we continue to love on our old building and also try to create some more space for children's Sunday School!
The Nook - Please continue to bring art work to add to our nook! If you have questions or want to add something, contact Sarah.

- Update on 7-year-old Jackson Oberndorfer: Jackson has been discharged from Boston Children's Hospital (less than a week after brain surgery!). He is doing well in recovery, but the family has to stay in Boston for several more days as Jackson can't travel yet. Keep them in prayer. - Pastor Jeremy
- Ryan Ardrey - who left us last December to go to Kansas City to attend Nazarene Theological Seminary - is now Student Body President there. Way to lead, Ryan! (Ryan would surely love notes of hello, encouragement, etc.!)
The Coming Week:
12:00 PM - Potluck
Wednesday, January 25th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
Sunday, January 22nd
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering12:00 PM - Potluck
Wednesday, January 25th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Bible Study Discussion: Sunday Asylum
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events as well as our other online sites below! (If you would like to add the church calendar to your Google Calendar, just search for "" where it says "Add a friend's calendar".)