2. Church Clean-up
3. Kids Summer Fun Week
4. Other Reminders
1. Words to Build a Life On - It's often said of Ghandi that he uttered the words: “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” These are tough words from a man who had a few things in common with Jesus Christ himself, yet didn't claim the title of "Christian" himself. Was he right? Can those who call themselves Christians be so far from what Christ taught? What did Christ teach?
At the heart of Jesus Christ's teaching in the Gospel of Matthew is what tradition calls the "Sermon on the Mount." Our church community is diving into these teaching (Matthew 5-7) beginning this Sunday. The invitation for all to join in is multi-fold. Click here to see how you can participate. We're looking forward to following Him together!
At the heart of Jesus Christ's teaching in the Gospel of Matthew is what tradition calls the "Sermon on the Mount." Our church community is diving into these teaching (Matthew 5-7) beginning this Sunday. The invitation for all to join in is multi-fold. Click here to see how you can participate. We're looking forward to following Him together!
2. Chapel Clean-Up - Have you stopped by our kitchen lately? If not stop by and see some changes that have been made! We've got plenty more to do around the chapel, so on July 25th beginning at 9am we will be having a church clean-up day. We'll be cleaning the storage space, working on the outside of the building, and giving the inside of the church a really good cleaning. At lunch time we will all take a break and enjoy some free pizza.

4. Other Reminders
Nursery (6/19): Ashley Duncan & Dorothy Newell
The Coming Week
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events
Saturday, June 18th
The Coming Week
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events
Saturday, June 18th
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
Sunday, June 19th
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
Monday, June 21st
6:00 PM- Ladies' Craft Night
Wednesday, June 15h
6:00 PM- Softball game vs. Boylston Cong.
July 17th- Potluck at the Hingham Bathing Beach
July 25-29: Mission to Mars (VBS)
Sunday, June 19th
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
Monday, June 21st
6:00 PM- Ladies' Craft Night
Wednesday, June 15h
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study
Friday, June 24th6:00 PM- Softball game vs. Boylston Cong.
July 17th- Potluck at the Hingham Bathing Beach
July 25-29: Mission to Mars (VBS)