June 24, 2011

1. This Sunday
2. Chapel Clean-up
3. Invitation from Pastor Jeremy
4. Godspell
5. Blurbs from the Board
6. Kids Summer Fun Week
7. Weekly cleaning of the Chapel
8. Other Reminders

1. This Sunday - This Sunday, we're getting into Jesus' Sermon on the Mount: Words to Build a Life On. We are focusing on the first beatitude: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of God." You can prepare by following our CSW. If you missed last Sunday's sermon, you can listen to it here.

"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you, there's more of God and his rule." Matthew 5:3 (TM)

2. Chapel Clean-Up - Have you stopped by our kitchen lately?  If not stop by and see some changes that have been made!  We've got plenty more to do around the chapel, so on July 25th beginning at 9am we will be having a chapel clean-up day.  We'll be cleaning the storage space, working on the outside of the building, and giving the inside of the church a really good cleaning.  At lunch time we will all take a break and enjoy some pizza.

3. Invitation from Pastor Jeremy - For our Wednesday evening dinner & discussion this summer, we are looking line-by-line at the Lord's Prayer within the Sermon on the Mount. To complement this, I am seeking individuals who would be willing to read a book on prayer and report to us what they discovered, learned, were challenged by, etc. in that book. I have all of the books in my library, so you don't have to purchase anything - just read the book and let us know about it! You can see the books and authors here. Email me to let me know if you're willing to help us out with this. I will develop a schedule for reporting once most of the books are assigned. I'm looking forward to this as we seek to be in better awareness of the Kingdom of God and his work in us through prayer!

3. Godspell - If you missed the performance of Godspell, or loved it so much you want to see it again, you're in luck!  Acts From the Heart will be presenting Godspell again this weekend, Sunday, June 26 at 6:30pm at St. Paul's Church of the Nazarene in Duxbury (136 Summer St.).  Spread the word!

4. Blurbs from the Board - The Board is working to upgrade our beautiful and historic Chapel.  Some things to look for:  upgrades to the Chapel kitchen, repairs to the various entrances, continued improvements to the front yard and garden.  (Your help in any of these ongoing needs would be appreciated - contact Ed DiSante.) Some things to think and pray with the Board about:  Ministry to our Community-specifically to residents at Thaxter Park; Outreach and service opportunities with our Chapel Shelter space and the families that reside there, and our shelter families in Norwell and Weymouth; Ministry opportunities with members and friends who are limited in their ability to leave their homes; Mission Partnerships with sister churches in other World Areas. You can talk to any Board Member about any of these opportunities.

5. 38...37...36...35...34...Blast off! Our Kids Week is quickly approaching. So far we have a small list of things we need donated: 6-inch plastic plates, sheets of colorful foam, goldfish crackers, animal crackers, mini pretzels, and 3 oz paper cups.  If you are able to donate an item please let Christina Duncan know asap. You can learn more about Kids Summer Fun Week on the North St. Website

6. Weekly Cleaning of the Chapel - Ed DiSante is putting together a schedule for a weekly cleaning of the chapel. Here is the schedule for cleaning so far (Use Saturday as a reference for which week is which).
1st Saturday - Volunteer needed
2nd Saturday -  Meghan Scott
3rd Saturday - Heidi Parker
4th Saturday - Charlie DiSante

Cleaning entails: 1. Straightening and dusting the Sanctuary.  2. Sweeping the stairwells. 3. Cleaning and stocking the bathrooms.  4. Straightening and sweeping the kitchen. 5. Vacuuming the Gathering Room and Sanctuary as needed.  Contact Ed DiSante if you are available the first Saturday of the month.

7. Other Reminders
Nursery 6/26 (Becky & Andrew Rankin): 
The Coming Week 
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events

Friday, June 24th
6:00 PM- Softball game vs. Boylston Cong.
Saturday, June 25th 
9:00 AM- Chapel clean-up
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
Sunday, June 26th
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
Tuesday, June 28th
6:00 PM- Softball game vs. Community Baptist
Wednesday, June 29th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study

July 17th- Potluck at the Hingham Bathing Beach
July 25-29: Mission to Mars (Kids Week-VBS)

CSW: 2001-06-20

The first beatitude gives us our direction for this week: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.” The Message puts it this way: “You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.” The readings this week are selected to resonate with this idea: that God’s Kingdom is present even in the most difficult and Godforsaken situations of life. 
How can you arrange your life in ways that allows for you to rely more upon God and his power rather than your own? How do you see this in the life and example of Christ?
Pray to God each day, asking that this time you’re spending only before him would help you live for and through Christ. If you’ve committed to reading the whole Sermon on the Mount for a given number of days/times each week, be sure to do so.
Monday, June 20 - Read the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)
Tuesday, June 21 - Matthew 4:23-5:2, 7:24-29, Matthew 5:3-12, Judges 7
Wednesday, June 22 - Genesis 16, Psalm 42, Matthew 5:3-12
Thursday, June 23 - Matthew 4:1-11, Psalm 43, Matthew 5:3-12
Friday, June 24 - Philippians 2:1-18, Matthew 13:44-58, Matthew 5:3-12
Saturday, June 26 - 2 Corinthians 4, Judges 7, Matthew 5:3-12
Sunday, June 27 - Come to worship with your church family!

June 17, 2011

1. Words to Build a Life On
2. Church Clean-up
3. Kids Summer Fun Week
4. Other Reminders

1. Words to Build a Life On - It's often said of Ghandi that he uttered the words: “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” These are tough words from a man who had a few things in common with Jesus Christ himself, yet didn't claim the title of "Christian" himself. Was he right? Can those who call themselves Christians be so far from what Christ taught? What did Christ teach?

At the heart of Jesus Christ's teaching in the Gospel of Matthew is what tradition calls the "Sermon on the Mount." Our church community is diving into these teaching (Matthew 5-7) beginning this Sunday. The invitation for all to join in is multi-fold.  Click here to see how you can participate.  We're looking forward to following Him together!

2. Chapel Clean-Up - Have you stopped by our kitchen lately?  If not stop by and see some changes that have been made!  We've got plenty more to do around the chapel, so on July 25th beginning at 9am we will be having a church clean-up day.  We'll be cleaning the storage space, working on the outside of the building, and giving the inside of the church a really good cleaning.  At lunch time we will all take a break and enjoy some free pizza. 

3. 45...44...43...42...41...Blast off! Our Kids Week is quickly approaching. So far we have a small list of things we need donated: 6-inch plastic plates, sheets of colorful foam, blue gel glue sticks, goldfish crackers, animal crackers, mini pretzels, and 3 oz paper cups.  If you are able to donate an item please let Christina Duncan know. You can learn more about Kids Summer Fun Week on the North St. Website

4. Other Reminders
Nursery (6/19):  Ashley Duncan & Dorothy Newell

The Coming Week 
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events

Saturday, June 18th 
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
Sunday, June 19th
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
Monday, June 21st
6:00 PM- Ladies' Craft Night
Wednesday, June 15h
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study
Friday, June 24th
6:00 PM- Softball game vs. Boylston Cong.

July 17th- Potluck at the Hingham Bathing Beach
July 25-29: Mission to Mars (VBS)

June 9, 2011

1. This Sunday
2. Words to Build a Life On
3. Kids Summer Fun Week
4. Other Reminders

1. This Sunday (June 12th) - Well tomorrow is the big day - Pentecost. Some invitations to you: 1) Pray for our gathering 2) Come! 3) Wear red, the color of Pentecost and the Church. I am greatly looking forward to being with you tomorrow and sharing what God has laid before us.  Also, Sarah wanted to share this link to a new song by Hillsong, called Consuming Fire. - Pastor Jeremy

2. Words to Build a Life On - Next Sunday (June 19), we will begin a series on the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7. You're invited to begin reading it as soon as possible.  We are very excited about studying these foundational teachings from Jesus. Plan now on coming!

3. 50..49...48...47...46...Blast off! The countdown as begun. Keep your eyes open for more information on Mission to Mars (not the candy company).  Our Kids Summer Fun Week is quickly approaching and we will be in need of volunteers and donations, so pay attention over the next several weeks as we approach the journey to Mars to Meet A Risen Savior.

4. Other Reminders
Nursery (6/12):  Dawn Haskell & Dana Parker

The Coming Week 
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events

Saturday, June 11th 
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
Sunday, June 12th
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
Monday, June 13th
6:30 PM- Board Meeting
Wednesday, June 15h
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study
Thursday, June 16th
6:00 PM- Softball game vs. Salvation Army

July 25-29: Mission to Mars (VBS)

June 2, 2011

1. This Sunday
2. Godspell
3. Pentecost Sunday (June 12th) - The (Re) Birth of God's People 
4. Other Reminders

1. This Sunday (June 5th) - Rev. Jon & Margaret Scott, missionaries to Malawi, will be joining us for all of our Sunday morning gatherings.  Afterwards we will be having a potluck with a theme of "World Foods".  Bring a dish from your ethnic background or your favorite ethnic dish.
2. Godspell! - In just two days (Saturday, June 4 at 6:30 PM) Acts from the Heart, a Christian theatre troupe directed by the Gerber family, will bring their production of Godspell the musical to our church.  Admission is free.  This is a great event for families with children.  All are invited to attend.  The performance is one hour long, followed by a dessert reception. How can you help? Acts from the Heart is a ministry in the greater Boston area, creatively sharing the Word through the arts.  They bring their performances to area prisons, churches, and other venues.  We will be taking a love offering at the performance to support their ministry. Donations may also be placed in the offering boxes at any time (please clearly mark it for "Acts from the Heart"). We also need desserts for the reception.  Please contact Sarah if you can help in this way.

3. Pentecost Sunday - We're just about ONE WEEK AWAY from Pentecost Sunday.  You don't want to miss it as we wrap up our discernment journey.

4. Other Reminders
Nursery (6/5):  Heidi & Jason Parker

The Coming Week 
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events

Saturday, June 4th 
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
6:30 PM- Godspell
Sunday, June 5th
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
Wednesday, June 8th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study

June 12th- The (Re) Birth of God's People
June 13th- Board Meeting @ 6:30PM
July 25-29: Mission to Mars (VBS)