2. Free Roller Skating
3. Godspell
4. June 5th - Missionaries Jon & Margaret Scott
5. Pentecost Sunday (June 12th) - The (Re) Birth of God's People
6. Other Reminders
3. Godspell
4. June 5th - Missionaries Jon & Margaret Scott
5. Pentecost Sunday (June 12th) - The (Re) Birth of God's People
6. Other Reminders

2. Free Roller Skating - Carol Newell invites everyone to a night of free roller skating! Many local food pantries have more demand now than ever to keep their shelves stocked. Please help support our local communities by skating to keep the shelves stocked! The skating rink is rented and all they need is you! Let's skate, have fun and fill our local food pantries. This event will take place at the Carousel Family Fun Center, 1055 Auburn Street in Whitman, June 9th, 6:00-8:00 PM. Each family is asked to bring canned goods which will be donated to the Braintree food pantry. The night includes two hours of free roller skating with a DJ, skate rentals available for $3.00 and the food court will be open for purchases. Please RSVP to Carol by email by June 1st to reserve your spot!
3. FREE performance of Godspell - On Saturday, June 4 at 6:30 PM, Acts from the Heart, a Christian theatre troupe directed by the Gerber family, will bring their production of Godspell the musical to our church. Admission is FREE. This is a great event for families with children. All are invited to attend. The performance is one hour long, followed by a dessert reception. How can you help? Acts from the Heart is a ministry in the greater Boston area, creatively sharing the Word through the arts. They bring their performances to area prisons, churches, and other venues. We will be taking a love offering at the performance to support their ministry. Donations may also be placed in the offering boxes at any time.
Please clearly mark it for Acts from the Heart. We also need desserts for the reception. Please contact Sarah if you can help in this way.

5. The (Re) Birth of God's People - A reminder: You will want to be in worship on Pentecost Sunday: June 12th as Pastor Jeremy shares what God has been saying for our church community coming out of our discernment journey.
6. Other Reminders
Nursery (5/22): Becky & Andrew Rankin
The Coming Week
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events
The Coming Week
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events
Saturday, May 21st
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
Sunday, May 22nd
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
Wednesday, May 25th
1:30 PM - Visiting New England Friends Home at Thayer House
Sunday, May 22nd
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
Wednesday, May 25th
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study
Friday, May 27th
6:00 PM- Softball game
June 4th @6:30 PM- Godspell
June 5th- Rev. Jon & Margaret Scott
June 12th- The (Re) Birth of God's People
June 13th- Board Meeting @ 6:30PM
July 25-29: Mission to Mars (VBS)
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study
Friday, May 27th
6:00 PM- Softball game
June 4th @6:30 PM- Godspell
June 5th- Rev. Jon & Margaret Scott
June 12th- The (Re) Birth of God's People
June 13th- Board Meeting @ 6:30PM
July 25-29: Mission to Mars (VBS)