Tonight we kick it off with our Service of Ashes. Come tonight and let's walk together through this stark reminder of our humanity and thus, our great need for Christ and the cross. We will receive our Ashes to Fire journals at the end and commit to the journey through the seasons of Lent & Easter together. If you have not yet signed up for one, we do have a couple of journals left. (There will be no community dinner.) We'll begin the service at 7:00 PM. Hope to see you then!
In the meantime, here are some links answering the question, "What is Lent?"
The Season of Lent - an article by Dr. Dennis Bratcher
Dying to Self - a video by Diana Butler Bass
A Franciscan Blessing - a prayer by World Vision
Also, many of you will remember the "Advent Reflections" daily readings that we had during Advent & Christmas. Many of the same writers (including Pastor Jeremy) are writing for the Lenten Season as well. Here is today's reading by Pastor Jeremy. You can sign up on that page to receive the readings by email. These readings are extra, above and beyond the readings from our Ashes to Fire daily journal (but they will often coincide with the journal).