2. Christmas Caroling
3. Ladies Night/Cookie Swap
3. Ladies Night/Cookie Swap
4. Christmas Shoppe
5. January Potluck
6. Annual Retreat
7. Other Business
7. Other Business
1. This Sunday - The last two years on this date (fourth Sunday of Advent), snow has impeded our ability to be together the Sunday prior to Christmas. While many forecasters are calling for snow on Sunday, hopefully it will hold off until after our gatherings this year! We will consider the peace (shalom) of Advent in morning worship, and I'm looking forward to celebrating and caroling once again with our friends at Thaxter Park in the evening (see below for more details). Also, please plan now on worshiping together on Christmas Eve @ 4:30 PM. This is one of my favorite gatherings of the year, I hope you will come. - Pastor Jeremy
2. Christmas Caroling - We will gather with the residents of Thaxter Park in their Community Center (30 Thaxter St.) on Sunday (12/19) at 5:30pm to enjoy some food and Christmas caroling. There is limited parking, so if you're willing to make the short walk from the Church parking, that would be great! They are providing a spaghetti and meatball dinner for us, and everyone from our church is asked to bring cookies, brownies and other finger-style desserts. If you are able to bake something we would greatly appreciate it!
3. Ladies Night/Cookie Swap - Hello Ladies!-- Just wanted to remind everyone that next Tuesday, 12/21, is our cookie swap! So far the cookies we have coming are spritz, sugar cut-outs, buckeyes and cran-pistachio cookies! Yummy! If you're planning on coming please let me know and what type of cookie you will be bringing! Hope you all can make it, it should be a GREAT time! I'm planning on bringing some fun hot chocolate with the trimmings to go with our cookies! Charlie has offered to bring a Christmas craft. Or you can bring any last minute crafts/gifts you need to get finished before the big day! Let me know if you have any questions!-- Becky Rankin
4. Christmas Shoppe - The Christmas Shoppe of Friends of the Homeless of the Shore continues to be very busy and open for "business" in our own Newell Gathering Room. There is still need for volunteers to sort and wrap from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and Saturdays through Dec. 24. Hours can be arranged for volunteers who can only help in the evenings. Donors are still needed to adopt families needing Christmas gifts as well. What a great way to "give" in this season!
3. Ladies Night/Cookie Swap - Hello Ladies!-- Just wanted to remind everyone that next Tuesday, 12/21, is our cookie swap! So far the cookies we have coming are spritz, sugar cut-outs, buckeyes and cran-pistachio cookies! Yummy! If you're planning on coming please let me know and what type of cookie you will be bringing! Hope you all can make it, it should be a GREAT time! I'm planning on bringing some fun hot chocolate with the trimmings to go with our cookies! Charlie has offered to bring a Christmas craft. Or you can bring any last minute crafts/gifts you need to get finished before the big day! Let me know if you have any questions!-- Becky Rankin
4. Christmas Shoppe - The Christmas Shoppe of Friends of the Homeless of the Shore continues to be very busy and open for "business" in our own Newell Gathering Room. There is still need for volunteers to sort and wrap from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and Saturdays through Dec. 24. Hours can be arranged for volunteers who can only help in the evenings. Donors are still needed to adopt families needing Christmas gifts as well. What a great way to "give" in this season!

6. North Street Community Retreat- Our third annual North Street Community Retreat (February 18-21, President's Day weekend) is getting closer and closer. Everyone is invited to come! The 'programming' will be minimal to maximize our time of fellowship with each other...just getting to know one another better. We will have a special time of worship together on Sunday morning (no worship gathering in Hingham that day). Windsor Hills Campground is just outside of Hillsboro, NH. We'll be staying in "the Inn". Cost includes 8 meals and 3 nights in hotel-quality rooms with individual bathrooms. A deposit of $30/per person would be helpful as soon as possible. All payments can be submitted in the offering boxes (but mark it clearly!). Total amount due is the Sunday prior to our leaving. The shared costs figure out as follows:
- $135/person, assuming double occupancy
- $67.50/child (4-12)
- $10/child (0-4)
- $350/family (2 adults, 2 children)
- $180/person, single occupancy
7. Other Business
Nursery (12/19): Heidi Parker & Dawn Haskell
Nursery (12/19): Heidi Parker & Dawn Haskell
The Coming Week
Sunday Dec. 19th
9:30 AM - Sunday School (adult & kids)
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
5:30 PM - Caroling @ Thaxter Park
Sunday Dec. 19th
9:30 AM - Sunday School (adult & kids)
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
5:30 PM - Caroling @ Thaxter Park
Monday Dec. 20th
7:00 PM - Corporate Prayer & Discernment
Tuesday Dec. 21st
6:00 PM - Ladies Craft Night- Cookie exchange
Wednesday Dec. 22nd
7:00 PM - Corporate Prayer & Discernment
Tuesday Dec. 21st
6:00 PM - Ladies Craft Night- Cookie exchange
Wednesday Dec. 22nd
6:00 PM - Community Dinner
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study
Friday Dec. 24th
4:30 PM - Christmas Eve Worship
Future Dates of Importance
Jan. 16th - Bread & Soup Potluck
Feb. 18-21 - North Street Community Retreat
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events. (However, right now the online calendar is undergoing some changes and so only immediate events are able to be viewed.)
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events. (However, right now the online calendar is undergoing some changes and so only immediate events are able to be viewed.)