1. This Sunday (Nov. 7th)
We're looking forward to continuing our three-week series on worship. We'll also receive communion together, particularly in light of All Saints Day. Please let me know if you'd like a candle in memory of someone. ~Jeremy

There will be a meeting directly following the church service to present some changes that are being made to make the nursery an even safer place for all the kiddos (and brush up on some safety tips). I hope to see you there! ~Heidi
2. North Street Community Discernment of God's Mission
The survey is ready to be completed by everyone. Please let Jeremy know how you would like to receive and fill out this survey: 1. online, 2. MS Word document (.doc), or 3. on a paper copy. Please understand that this survey is a tool and not a goal, a means and not an end. Answer the questions that you can as best as you can. Thanks to those who've already finished a survey!
3. Thanksgiving Community Choir
If you are interested in being part of the choir at the community Thanksgiving service in Hingham, please email Sarah. The service will be Wednesday evening, November 24th.
4. Coffeehouse at St. Pauls Church of the Nazarene
There will be a coffeehouse at St. Pauls Church of the Nazarene in Duxbury on Saturday, November 20th at 7pm. All are invited to come and enjoy the musical selections and/or perform. Food/coffee will be provided , but please consider bringing a snack to share. Ask Sarah for more details.
5. North St. News
You may have noticed a few additions including events for the week as well as future dates of importance. I am always open to feedback to any of the changes made or any changes you would like to see. If you would like to include something in North St. News please make sure you email it to Christina by noon on Wednesdays.
6. Reminders:
- First a helper is needed for the younger kids Sunday School class this Sunday. Please let Christina know if you can help.
- Nursery (11/7): Emily Fish & Nadine Sa
7. The Coming Week
Saturday Nov. 6th
8:00 AM - Mens' Breakfast Potluck styleSunday Nov. 7th
9:30 AM- Sunday School (adult & kids)10:30 AM- Worship Gathering
Monday Nov. 8th
6:30 PM- Church Board Meeting (everyone is invited)7:00 PM- Corporate Prayer & Discernment
Wednesday Nov. 10th
6:00 PM- Community Supper
7:00 PM- Discussion & Bible Study
8. Future Dates of Importance
Nov. 14th- The Remembrance (6:00 PM)
Nov. 24th- Community Thanksgiving Service (@ Old Ship Parish)
Dec. 19th- Christmas Caroling @ Thaxter Park
Dec. 24th Christmas Eve WorshipFeb. 18-21- North Street Community Retreat
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events.