2. North Street Community Discernment of God's Mission
3. Coffeehouse at St. Pauls Church of the Nazarene
4. Thanksgiving Community Choir/Thanksgiving Service
5. Organ
5. Organ
6. Other Important Stuff

There are a number of exciting aspects to this Sunday! It is indeed Christ the King Sunday (Reign of Christ). This wraps up the church year for us with a bange will be receiving new members during worship gathering. The prayer chorus for this week will be "King of Glory."
After we worship, we will have a potluck. We are looking for people to bring various Thanksgiving-themed items. If you have already signed up, thank you! If you have not and would like to, please email Christina Duncan. We pretty much all set with desserts, gravy, and stuffing. We are still in need of vegetables, rolls, and maybe a small ham or anything else you can think of. This will also serve as a send-off party for Ryan Ardrey, who is headed to Kansas City for seminary on December 10th. Recognizing the variety of expenses related to his leaving, we're inviting those who would to participate in love offering for him (be sure to mark your offering or a portion of it for Ryan).
Then after we eat at 2:30pm we will decorate our chapel for Advent & Christmas. Can you believe it!? We need all the help we can get to be ready for the first Sunday of Advent next week.
2. North Street Community Discernment of God's Mission
Please, if you haven't begun the survey yet, contact Jeremy to let him know how you would like to fill it out: 1. Online, 2. MS Word document (.doc), or 3. on a paper copy. Remember that this survey is a tool and not a goal, a means and not an end. Answer the questions that you can as best as you can. Thanks to those who've already finished a survey! Dates for the discussion groups will be distributed soon. Thanks for your patience.
3. Coffeehouse at St. Pauls Church of the Nazarene
This Saturday (11/20) brings a coffeehouse at St. Pauls Church of the Nazarene in Duxbury at 7pm. All are invited to come and enjoy the musical selections and/or perform. Food/coffee will be provided , but please consider bringing a snack to share. Ask Sarah for more details.
4. Thanksgiving Community Choir/Thanksgiving Service
If you are interested in being part of the choir at the community Thanksgiving service in Hingham (Old Ship Parish), please email Sarah. The service will be Wednesday evening, November 24th. Rehearsal is at 6pm followed by the service at 7pm.
5. Organ
You may notice the sanctuary looking a bit different in the coming weeks, and not just because we're decorating for Advent & Christmas! We are giving our unused organ to the Epworth Chapel on the Square. This is a new worship gathering meeting at the Second Church in Dorchester under the leadership of our former pastor, Cliff Hersey.
6. Other Business
Nursery (11/21): Dawn Haskell & Dorothy Newell
The Coming Week
Sunday Nov. 21st
9:30 AM - Sunday School (adult & kids)
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
12:00 PM - Thanksgiving Potluck
2:30 PM - Advent & Christmas Decorating
Monday Nov. 22nd
7:00 PM - Corporate Prayer & Discernment
Wednesday Nov. 23rd
7:00 PM - Community Thanksgiving Service at Old Ship Parish
Future Dates of Importance
Dec. 19th - Christmas Caroling @ Thaxter Park
Dec. 24th - Christmas Eve Worship (4:30 PM)
Feb. 18-21- North Street Community Retreat
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events.
Future Dates of Importance
Dec. 19th - Christmas Caroling @ Thaxter Park
Dec. 24th - Christmas Eve Worship (4:30 PM)
Feb. 18-21- North Street Community Retreat
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events.