In this North St. News
4. Future dates of importance
First, in the morning we will begin a three-week series on worship. Our main text this week will be Genesis 4:1-16, the story of Cain & Abel. In addition, we will be recognizing All Saints' Day a day earlier (ASD is on November 1st every year). If you would like a candle lit in honor of a passed loved one, please let Pastor Jeremy know.
There will be a brief meeting following service for all who are interested in helping out with Sunday Morning Worship. This can include music, PowerPoint, Scripture reading, etc. All are welcome, even if you are not sure what you would like to do yet! Thanks! - Sarah Troxler
Second, because if is All Hallows Eve we will be holding our second annual community apple cider handout. We'll hand out apple cider and other fun things as families walk through the North Street neighborhood for Halloween trick-or-treating. Everyone is invited to join in on the fun. If you are able, unopened bags of candy are appreciated. We will also have snacks and games in the fellowship hall. If Pastor Jeremy can figure it out, we'll have the Patriots game on as well. :-)
2. North Street Community Discernment of God's Mission
We've had two great hours of prayer the past two Monday evenings, praying first for "ourselves," and then our church community and any who's connected in some way. This coming Monday we'll look specifically at Hingham and surrounding communities (7:00 PM).
The survey is ready to be completed by everyone. Please let Jeremy know how you would like to receive and fill out the survey: 1. Online, 2. MS Word document (.doc), or 3. on a paper copy. Please understand that this survey is a tool and not a goal, a means and not an end. Answer the questions that you can as best as you can.
For all this information and more, see the website.
3. The coming week
Sunday Oct. 31st
9:30 AM - Sunday School (adult and kids)
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
6:00 PM - All Hallows Eve Community Apple Cider Hand-Out
Monday Nov. 1st
7:00 PM Corporate Prayer & Discernment
7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study
Nov. 8th - Board Meeting
Nov. 14th - The Remembrance
Dec. 19th - Christmas Caroling @ Thaxter Park
Dec. 24th - Christmas Eve Worship
Feb. 18-21- North Street Community Retreat
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events.
1. A Full Sunday
2. North Street Community Discernment of God's Mission
3. The coming week2. North Street Community Discernment of God's Mission
4. Future dates of importance
1. This Sunday (October 31st)

There will be a brief meeting following service for all who are interested in helping out with Sunday Morning Worship. This can include music, PowerPoint, Scripture reading, etc. All are welcome, even if you are not sure what you would like to do yet! Thanks! - Sarah Troxler
Second, because if is All Hallows Eve we will be holding our second annual community apple cider handout. We'll hand out apple cider and other fun things as families walk through the North Street neighborhood for Halloween trick-or-treating. Everyone is invited to join in on the fun. If you are able, unopened bags of candy are appreciated. We will also have snacks and games in the fellowship hall. If Pastor Jeremy can figure it out, we'll have the Patriots game on as well. :-)
2. North Street Community Discernment of God's Mission
We've had two great hours of prayer the past two Monday evenings, praying first for "ourselves," and then our church community and any who's connected in some way. This coming Monday we'll look specifically at Hingham and surrounding communities (7:00 PM).
The survey is ready to be completed by everyone. Please let Jeremy know how you would like to receive and fill out the survey: 1. Online, 2. MS Word document (.doc), or 3. on a paper copy. Please understand that this survey is a tool and not a goal, a means and not an end. Answer the questions that you can as best as you can.
For all this information and more, see the website.
3. The coming week
Saturday Oct. 30th
2:00 PM - Finance and Administration Meeting in QuincySunday Oct. 31st
9:30 AM - Sunday School (adult and kids)
10:30 AM - Worship Gathering
6:00 PM - All Hallows Eve Community Apple Cider Hand-Out
Monday Nov. 1st
7:00 PM Corporate Prayer & Discernment
Tuesday Nov. 2nd
6:00 PM Ladies' Craft NightWednesday Nov. 3rd
6:00 PM - Community Supper7:00 PM - Discussion & Bible Study
4. Future Dates of Importance
Nov. 6th - Mens' Breakfast (potluck style)Nov. 8th - Board Meeting
Nov. 14th - The Remembrance
Dec. 19th - Christmas Caroling @ Thaxter Park
Dec. 24th - Christmas Eve Worship
Feb. 18-21- North Street Community Retreat
Use our online calendar for these and other dates & events.