Today's reading from the community scripture way is the powerful image from Ezekiel 37, a passage that resonates with Pentecost as the giving of God's living spirit to his people. If you haven't read it yet, go ahead and click the link above to do so.
Tonight's regularly scheduled Wednesday evening gatherings are slightly modified. We'll still eat together at 6:00 for community dinner, but tonight we'll gather in the home of Dana & Elise Parker at 12 Sewall Street in Quincy (click here for a map). Bring food enough for yourself. Elise will provide water to drink and dinnerware. An then just before 7:00, in lieu of regular Bible study, everyone's invited to walk on over to the Wollaston Church of the Nazarene for the opening worship service for the New England District NMI Convention.
Here's the District Convention & Assembly worship schedule for the rest of the week. You're all invited! (All services are at the Wollaston Church of the Nazarene):
Wednesday, May 27 - NMI Service (7:00 PM)
Thursday, May 28 - Assembly Opening Service (7:00 PM)
Friday, May 29 - Assembly Baptism Service (7:00 PM)
Saturday, May 20 - Memorial Service (9:30 AM) & Ordination Service (10:00 AM)
Of particular note to us is the Memorial Service on Saturday as we'll be able to stand and recognize Pastor Scott's life and service to Christ and his Church.
We have no softball game this week. Our next game is Friday, June 5th.
This is the last Saturday of the month, so the men are eating together for Men's Breakfast Fellowship. We're shifting time and place a bit this month due to District Assembly. We'll meet at 7:30 at the Panera Bread in North Quincy (click here for a map).
Community Notes:
- Bobbi Colletti is in the hospital (Beth Israel) to help deal with her pain.
- Saturday is Elise Parker's birthday and Sunday is Jeremy & Meghan Scott's anniversary.
Click here for our online calendar.