But to highlight a couple of things...
Tonight, Wednesday, March 4
Community Meal - We will eat a community dinner together at 6:00 PM as we do every Wednesday. What a great time to come for the first time!
Bible Study - We're beginning a new book! The gospel of John is a beautiful and intricate account of the life and themes of Jesus Christ. As we consider what it means to find the intersection between God's story and the story of our own lives, the gospel of John gives a wonderful picture of not only how Jesus Christ "fits" into the story of God, but that his life and ministry were the greatest fulfillment of the story. If you haven't been a part of Wednesday evening Bible study, this would be a great time to begin (7:00 PM).
Personal Finance Seminar & Discussion - Coming out of the last week of our series on wholistic stewardship, Dr. Dick Fish will be leading us in a personal finance seminar and discussion. We will be talking about how we are to respond to these difficult economic times and all matters of personal finance from a biblical perspective: "How do followers of Christ handle personal finance?"
Sunday, March 8
Morning Gathering of Worship (11:00 AM) - During Sunday morning's gathering of worship, we'll be considering the story of Abraham. When the story of his life met the story of God, it was the very beginning of a covenantal relationship that changed the world.
The Remembrance (6:14 PM) - We had a great first gathering of remembrance this past Sunday evening. We'll continue every week throughout Lent. While we begin at 6:14, come at 6:00 to sit in the sanctuary and prepare yourself for worship.
Book Club Discussion (7:30 PM) - The book club has been reading The Count of Monte Cristo. All those who've read the book (and those who haven't) should come for the discussion on Sunday evening.